Recently diagnosed

Hi Jaxxi,
I too merrily went of for my routine mammo, forgot about it until getting the ‘recall’ when back from hols, then suddenly thrown into it all.
I think many of us have felt as you do, it is a shock & it’s just caught up with you, especially being this time of year.
I’m coming up for 2 years post diagnosis & just feel very glad I went for that mammo, as I nearly didn’t.
Have a lovely Xmas everyone??
ann x

Hi Jaxx, that time in between the op and results is very hard - so many uncertainties - I found it very hard to be " normal " I felt very tearful and scared .Hard for people who haven’t been there to understand no matter how hard they try .Come talk to us here - the 2 weeks will soon pass and once you know what happens next you will feel a lot better .Jill.

Thank you Ann?I’ve been busy as I can be after op on Friday- seems along time ago and it’s only 4 days, thank you for answering me. Christmas Day was ok my work mates had a collection and paid for us to go for dinner, so no washing up! Quiter today and a couple of glasses of wine so not too bad, still tearful, but I guess that is “normal “. Thank you for your kind words, you make me hopeful to hear other people have got through this crappy time. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas ?x

Hi Jill, it is very comforting to know there are others that understand what you are feeling, not wanting to overload friends at this time of year too, Christmas Day is always emotional, in our house hold, so another thing to think about gets a little overwhelming Thank you for listening ?Hope you and your family are having a wonderful Christmas ?x

Hi Rosie. Hope you had a good Christmas, it’s hard to stay upbeat all the time, just knowing you can unload some emotions with people that understand makes a difference. Congratulations for getting through this especially hard on our own, just keep looking forward. Here’s to a happy 2018 x