Recently diagnosed

Hi all,  I was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago with provisional grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma.  I am having a batwing mammoplasty on 29th Oct.  Has anyone else gone through this procedure and does anyone know why the grading would be provisional.  Thanks (I am absolutely terrifed)

Hi Daisy,

First of all welcome, we’ve all been where you are now, the early days are the worst, as the whole thing is such a shock, but it does get better when everythings confirmed & treatment starts.

I didn’t have your procedure, but others here have who will share their experience.

The grading is provisional as the final results only come through after surgery, once the whole tumour has been removed & has been examined by the lab, then the treatment plan can be confirmed. Mostly the grade doesn’t change, but whatever the outcome is, the most important thing is, it enables you to get the best treatment plan for you & it can now be sorted out.

ann x