2 separate tumours in one breast, 1 is PR+ and the other is ER+. I have to have a full mastectomy and removal of all the lymph nodes. I will hopefully have an immediate reconstruction using my stomach tissue.
I have read that you have to sleep on your back for 2 weeks after surgery and some people have suggested a reclining armchair to sleep in at night for comfort and to promote healing.
i had double mastectomy ( skin and nipples sparing) and SNL removal in my right armpit 4 weeks ago. I had immediate reconstruction with expanders filled with 150 ml during operation. I had 5 drains, 2 in each breast and 1 from armpit. Doctor removed the drainage 5th day after op before I went home. It was much easier without these tubes inside me.
First days at home I was on the couch with a pile of pillows behind my back. I slept in the bed in the same position (Basicly siting with pillows behind).
standing up or ‘liyng’ down were the most painful parts. In first weeks my husband helped me getting out of the bed.
Now I have only 2 pillows behind my back and I can sleep on my side.
The level of the pain was very high. Even breathing was painful. But please remember every single day the level of pain is lower and you will be okay. And the most important part is that you will be cancer free.
I hope my experience can help you even though I had a different way of reconstruction.