I’m due to have lipomodelling soon after having a lumpectomy and re-excision last summer and was wondering if anyone who has already had it done could recommend any particular brand of support knickers. I don’t want to waste my money which is in short supply!
Thank you.
I’ve used support knickers from Sainsbury’s, TKMaxx and bought them onsale at John Lewis. They all worked fine and having a cotton crotch insert was the most important factor for me, oh and not too tight or too loose, afterall, they are worn 24/7 for a bit.
Thanks for the reply Lilac_Blue.
I had my lipomodelling op yesterday. I’d spoken to a friend of a friend who’s had it done and she suggested an all-in-one bodysuit from M&S. I couldn’t afford M&S but I bought 2 bodysculpt seamfree body suits from Asda that you wear your own bra under. They’re really comfortable especially with not having waistband. At the moment I’m wearing knickers as well as I’m suffering from very heavy bleeding and leaking in spite of wearing highest absorbency tampon AND an ultra night-time pad… and being post-menopausal and taking anaztrozole! Roll on the hysterectomy next month!
Maggiemay22, great that you found Asda to supply at a decent price and comfort. I wish you a smooth, fast recovery and I too wore my usual pants with them. It’s when nature calls and pulling the crotch over that can be difficult.