Recommended natural body care products

Hi all

Bit by bit i would like to make some changes to the things i put in my body as well as on.

I have purchased some paraben and SLS free shampoo and conditioner and also some mineral crystal deodrant from handmade naturals (online retailer), but does anyone else have any recommendations for retailers who sell products which are free of all the chemicals and have a good selection that you have purchased from.

A few friends reommended LUSH products which my son actually introduced me too last year when he bought me a gift set, however looking online many of thier products do contain some of the chemical stuff id like to see if i can cut out.

Many thanks

Hi Libralady

I think Neal’s Yard stuff is paraben free, I have a discount card for them given me by The Haven. x

holland and barrett do a complete range of organic products,all paraben free and reasonabely priced.

Hi libralady,

I cleared out all of my old makeup and bathroom stuff when I found out about my dx have been using Neals Yard, Dr Organics from Holland and Barratt and also Faith in nature is also very good stuff all free from parabens, SLS, aluminium etc

here’s some links you might find helpful and and if you’ve got a bit of dosh spare and fancy really treating yourself try this happy shopping.
sending you love and light
sarahlousie xx

There are loads! Neal’s Yard has lovely stuff but is also rather pricey.

I agree with Sarahlousie about Faith in Nature products and Green People and also Dr Haushka. I use things from all of them.

I’ve also used quite a bit from Pravera especially cosmetics ordering by phone or internet:

I also like products from Pur Nuff Stuff which I order by phone and have delivered:

Cosmetics - can also recommend Nvey and Sante.

I found this site really helpful:

Have fun!
Elinda x

Ohh ladies, this is exactly whats needed…places to shop! Thank you so much, Bless you all.

Yes I thought the Neals Yard was rather expensive…Id have to hide my stuff so the family didn’t use it at that price!

I have all men/boys here and you’d be surprised at what they will use of mine…they see everything as fair game if its in the bathroom! lol

Hi there, I use products from Essential Care.

They are a brilliant company to deal with, and all the products I have had from them have been lovely.

Sue x