Recon & pregnancy

Recon & pregnancy

Recon & pregnancy Hiya,

Just wondering if anyone could give me some advice.

I am having bilateral reconstruction hopefully later this year and I was wondering if they were to take the muscle and skin from my stomach would this cause any problems with future pregnancies, ie increased risk of c-section, hernia etc.

I had put the question forward for Lavender Week but they didnt answer it so I thought maybe someone on here might have “been there and done that”.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Ju xx

Recon Hi Ju,
Are you having a tram flap recon?
I had this op last July and my surgeon told me he will only do this op on ladies of a certain age who will not be having anymore children. I’m 43.
He told me I would not be able to have any after the op, not that I will do and I will have to watch my weight.
After the LD recon I believe you can have a pregnancy.
When you see a plastic surgeon he will give you the best advice for you and the best options as he will have all your notes with him.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Hi Michelle,

I didnt realise it would be so cut and dry as it were, i just thought it would be along the same lines as having had a previous c-section (although your having your own skin and muscle removed!).

I have talked it through with my husband and if this is the case and i am offered tram flap recon then i would be prepared to wait until after having another baby. What’s another two years in the grand scheme of things hey! If im not eligible then i’ll just have to have it taken from my back.

Thanks for your advice it has been most informative and i shall wait now and see what my plastic surgeon has to say, im seeing him in May.

Thanks again.

Ju xx

Hi Ju,
I’ve never had a c-section but believe the insision is along the bikini line. For the tram flap recon the cut goes from hip to hip and is just below your tummy button, that is the new one that is made as the old one is removed.
So there is less to stretch hence the advice for not getting pregnant by the surgeon.
If you plan on having another child it could be better to plan for that before the op as you said what’s another two years to wait and having a lovely baby will focus your mind on something else, a very pleasant something else.
Best of luck and let us know about any new baby as I will be forever wondering.


Depends on the surgeon? Hi Ju

I have posted a few times asking about this subject but no-one seems to have ‘been there and done that’!

I think that the advice you are given really depends on the surgeon. I had a diep flap reconstruction (like a tram but they don’t take muscle) in 2001 when I was 31. I have obsessively asked all the plastic surgeons I’ve seen since if it would be OK to have children/be pregnant and they’ve always said it would be OK. I must admit that I would imagine the skin would be quite tight, but as I say they’ve assured me it will be alright!

I’ve had breast cancer again since, and another lot of chemo, but I haven’t given up hope of having children yet - just got to find a nice man first!

Best of luck with your decision.
