Reconstruction - advice?


Hi, is there anyone who could advise me on the following?


Had tram flap reconstruction three years ago, already had mastectomy on one breast. The recon was done on both.


Healing took a while. Had infection then scarring was quite bad. Dont heal very well. I continued to see the plastic surgeon and we had conversations regarding symmetry as one breast is about two cup sizes smaller than the other one. Also one is very pert but other one hangs quite low.


His intention was to make alterations to make them more symmetrical. It took until 2013 for him to put me on his waiting list as I’d put weight on and he wanted me to lose it plus I’d had my ovaries removed and didnt want any more surgery at that time.


After six months on the waiting list I was told I could not have any further surgery because  the funding wasnt available. The CCG committee who approve the funding had also rejected surgery to have my nipples/tattooing done. The surgeon pushed them on that issue and hospital came back to see they could now do my nipples.


Has any one entountered anything similar? My breast size difference is quite noticeable but maybe I should just accept what I have?









Hi Sarah
I think you should push for the symmetry surgery, two cup sizes is quite a big difference and if it is possible for symmetry to be done, then they should approve it. I had symmetry surgery performed 4 times and funding never came into the equation, or the nipple recon or the tattoo! Symmetry surgery is just as important as the recon itself in my view and if the CCG committee had to live with lack of symmetry, I am sure they wouldn’t be so happy?? You don’t HAVE accept what you have Sarah, it is your body and you deserve the best outcome . Good luck xxxx

Hi Sarah and welcome to the BCC forums, along with the support you have here please feel free to call our helpliners on 0808 800 6000, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2, they are here to offer you practical and emotional support
Take care
Lucy BCC