Reconstruction at Royal Free

I am due to have trans flap reconstruction at The Royal Free in Feb and am really nervous. Has anyone else had reconstruction at that hospital or using the same surgeon,
I am worried about being on a ward and wonder if its possible to pay for a private room. Also am concerned about the recovery time as I have 3 kids, the youngest is only 2.
And am just generally scared of the pain and if it goes wrong. Am wondering if its worth it or I should just live with my wonkiness!
Any advice / info would be really appreciated.
Thank you

Hi Hannah,
I can’t answer any of your specific questions as I had an LD recon in Glasgow! However, some of your anxieties ring bells with me… I had never had any serious illness before bc, so was anxious about the whole surgery and inpatient thing.

What I can say is, the pain control they offer, if needed, is superb, and will be ‘on tap’ if you need it. Lots of places have those patient controlled morphine things, others give you pumps/infusions if you need it. I had no pain at all, just discomfort and a bit of soreness. I took the ‘over the counter’ painkillers they prescribed whilt in hospital and I never had any horrid pain at all. I hope you are as fortunate.

In my hospital, with a flap recon you spend at least one day in high dependency, which was single rooms, so they could monitor the flap (and keep an eye on you too!). For tram and diep flaps that is sometimes longer. To be honest, I was glad to get onto a ward after that as I was getting very bored on my own…

You will be tired after the surgery but in a few weeks will be back doing most of the things you did before and wondering why you were worried at all.

I hope it all goes well for you and that some ladies with more relevant experience are along soon to offer their thoughts… you may want to tweak you title a bit so other tram flap ladies spot your post.

Take care.

Hi Hannah
Yes I had my reconstruction there. All I can say is my surgeon was amazing, the treatment I had was amazing and I was on a ward with 3 other ladies who also went through reconstruction and we actually all ended up having quite a laugh together. For the first few days I was so drugged up and recovering from the anaesthetic and surgery that I wasn’t much aware of anybody else around me so no need for a private room and was actually pleased of the company when I was feeling more sociable. I can honestly say the treatment and care was fantastic. If you have any more questions, please do ask I’m happy to answer any questions you may have

Hi, I didn’t have a mx or reconstruction, just a WLE, but at the Royal Free, and the surgeon was superb - anybody who has seen the scar has remarked on how neatly the operation was done. I was in a ward of 4 beds (I think they all are) which was fine. At one point I requested to be on my own and they moved me to an empty ward for a couple of days, but in the end I preferred some company so moved back. The nurses were also great, particularly the ward sister.

Hi Hannah
I am on the waiting list for a DIEP reconstruction at the Royal Free. I am due to have the operation at the end of March / beginning of April. I also have young kids (4 & 5) and am already getting nervous about the recovery time so I know where you are coming from.
I have done alot of research into this op and the surgeon in question is very well thought off and whenever i mention who my surgeon is to hospital staff at the Mount Vernon they all think he is brilliant!
Please feel free to PM me I would love to know how you get on and take from you any handy tips!
One interesting thing that I found out from a recent appointment is that if you are on Tamoxifen you have to stop it 6 weeks prior to the op - I never knew that!

Hi I just read that you had your op at the royal free. I’m due to go in in sept for diep flap reconstruction to replaceimplant. I have so many questions and am so scared. How long was it after your op that you could sit up or get out of bed? How long we’re you in hospital for and when could you stand up properly? Have you ever regretted it? Sorry for all the questions best wishes rita

Hi Rita, I had my DIEP in the midlands last year, but I’m in touch with a couple of people who had theirs at the royal free…one an immediate mx/ DIEP, the other a delayed recon.

Personal message me if I can help in any way or put you in touch with them? I’m 9 months on now, and have just had my nipple done and a few other touch ups! It will be tough at times but everyone I know of around the country is pleased with their result afterwards.

Best wishes

Hi thank you for’s so good to know you don’t regret it. My daughter keeps telling me I shouldn’t have such a big op as I don’t ‘need’ it but the alternative is to stay with this BRICK in my chest which I hate, or have it taken out and have nothing which I would also hate. Do you think that’s vanity. At 63, you would think it wouldn’t matter but it does. It would be good to know other peoples experience of the royal free. I am so scared but also can’t wait to get it over with. Not sure how to pm you I’m a bit new to this but it’s such a relief to talk to someone thanks. Best wishes Rita x

Hi Hannah

I had Tram Flap surgery in Scotland in Dec 2010. It is a big operation (10 hours) and it took a few weeks to get over the op. I have never regretted it the results are fab. My one regret is I didnt do it sooner. I had my Mastectomy in Dec 2006 and it took me till 2010 to make up my mind then be on a waiting list. I am now waiting on an uplift and slight reduction on the good side. I am wondering whether I should get it done or leave it how it is, rather than put myself through another op. When I look at myself without clothes on I am amazed at the surgeons work, and would really like the other side to match. Will I do it or wont I do it. I will have a good think about things while I am on holiday. My husband encourages me to go for it. Hopefully you will be pleased with the results. I hated wearing a prosthesis especially in summer, the difference the reconstruction has made is huge.

Take care

Carolyn x

Hi Littlerita

If you want to PM one of the other users all you need to do is click on their name and it will take you to a screen where it gives you an option to send a PM message.

Best wishes,

June, moderator

Hi Carolyn,

Just wanted to reassure you that I found the stage 2 finishing off op no problem at all…tomorrow is unveiling day when dressings come off… Had the op nearly two weeks ago and the bruising has mostly gone and swellings are well down. I posted quite a lot of detail in another post…if you search nipple you should find it.

Best of luck,


Hi Littlerita
I’m due to go into the Royal Free on Monday for a second IGAP. I had my first one there 2 years ago and it was a great place. I was so well looked after and although the operation was long and I felt rough after, the treatment I received was fantastic and the new breast looked/looks fantastic. I’m quite nervous about next week but also know what to expect this time around. Any questions, please ask away.

Hi ruby, I wish you well for your op next week. How long will you be in? Message when you can to let me know how you are. It’s good that you know what to expect, I think that’s why I was so scared I didn’t have any idea how bad it would be . It’s been better since I’ve been reading other peoples experiences. I’m glad to hear that you had good care at the royal free, that’s reassuring. Where in London do you live? I live near Watford. How long was your op? How long after did you feel reasonably ok? It’s funny on one hand I can’t wait for 21st to have this ‘brick’ taken out of my chest but on the other I’m so nervous. Best wishes for Monday Rita x

Hi again Littlerita
Funny as we live very close to each other and I was in Watford today at the Harlequin shopping for school shoes for my boy. I’m in Borehamwood. The operation was very long as IGAPS are quite complex but also as I was having a mastectomy and reconstruction at the same time however it still can range between 5 & 8 hours however all that happens is you go to sleep and there is nothing from the moment you sleep to the moment you wake up - just that it’s however long after. I stayed in for a week and probably felt relatively ok then and rested. I recall it was a friend’s birthday a few days later and I was picked up and taken to the restaurant and brought back after but it was all a bit much and probably too soon to be ‘gallavanting’ around! I did recover my strength pretty quickly but you have to really take it easy. I’m sure you can’t wait to have your op but please know that the RFH is a great place to have it done. Thanks for your wishes and I’ll get back on line as soon as I can afterwards. xx

Hi ruby, just wanted to say good luck fortomorrow, best wishes Rita x

Hi Rita
thanks so much - pretty nervous now but trying to keep busy

Hi,im new to this,felt i had to reply as im on the list for diep op,at the moment im living with what feels like a brick in my chest,which is very uncomfortable,im 65 and like you it think friends think im mad when are you going in to hospital or dont you know yet xx

Hi bomblet, welcome! I know the ‘brick in the chest feeling!’ it’s awful. I’ve been living with it for 3years. I had a mastectomy at st Albans with immediatereconstruction, and have been uncomfortable ever since. I’m due to have diep flap reconstruction at royal free on 21st sept, so it’s close now and feels very real and scary! Where do you live? I live near Watford, I’m 63 and have 4 children and 8 grandchildren. I did worry i was a bit old to have such a big surgery but several people on the forum have said that they have had it and have been ok at around my age. My daughter thinks I’m mad as I don’t ’ need’ it but I can’t bear the implant ant longer! How long have you been waiting? I’ve been on the list since July 2011 . If you want to pm me I’m happy to chat any time . I’m on holiday at the moment so haven’t always got Internet. Thought a week away would give me something else to think about! I’m back home onTuesday, best wishes Rita x

Hi ruby, hope everything went well with your op and you arerecovering well. Love Rita x