Reconstruction date

After a long wait I heard today that I’m finally booked for surgery on 17th October.
I’m having a LD flap and tissue expander. I’m seeing surgeon tomorrow as I also need my ovaries removed. Hoping to coordinate for same day.
I’m feeling very nervous and excited in similar measure! I’d love to hear from anyone who has been thro an LD flap. Loads of q’s…how long off work, pain, recovery etc.
Bye for now,

Hi Flora

It is quite a refief to get a date to go in isnt it?

I have had LD recon done both sides this year, in January and June. I am also trying to decide whether to have ovaries out or not. I was in hospital for a week and had 12 weeks off work each time. Pain was manageable with simple painkillers. I am very pleased with result and should be getting new nipples soon.

I hope you manage to get both ops done on same day.

Jackie x

does anyone smoke who have had reconstruction

Hi Jackie,
How long was it before you were driving again? Relieved to hear that pain was manageable, tho I’m suprised that you were in a week- is that the usual? Is 12 weeks an average time off work also?
How exciting - new nipples! Are you having tatoos also?

If 2 surgeons manage to coordinate theatre time it will be a NHS first!!
Polly x

Hi Dawn,
Good to hear from you - it’s been a while since I was on here. Seems such a great place to connect with women in same position again. I will be morphined up to the eyeballs on 18th (hopefully) so not able to make Herons. If you have any photos that you can email me I would be really grateful. I send you my email address as a private message if you need it. Hope you’re well. I often think about that lovely sunny day in your gazebo…but great to catch up. I’ll take some pics of my recon to add to the file. Think I may keep a journal as well - mind you, I’ve said that before!!
Much love to you,
Flora (Polly)

Hi Polly
I drove 8 weeks after my first op (left side) and 4 weeks after right side. Right side was easier I supose because of not having to use gears and handbrake. I was kept in a week because my drains would not slow down enough. I was sent home after second op with a drain still in, which was fine, though my son couldnt look at it!

I am not too sure about average time off work, I took 12 weeks because my job involves a lot of driving and with a risk of violence, as well as 12 hour shifts.

I am excited about new nipples and will have tatoos done if offerred, although there is a thread on here about people having to pay for them…hope not.

Fingers crossed for your 2 surgeons getting together, they will be working on different ends of you so they shouldn’t really get in each other way, should they?!

Have a good weekend.
Jackie x

Hi Jackie,
Saw 2 surgeons and an SHO today. Lead guy is not happy going recon and opporectomy at same time. He is concerned about infection. So just having recon on 17th. They were all so helpful and very attentive. I asked loads of questions and they gave me as much time as I needed. My surgeon assured me my new boob wont be as saggy as the other one and that he will lift the other one to match as soon as things settle!, I asked about a nipple and tattooing. He said it’s done under local a few weeks after the op and still on NHS, so I hope you don’t have to pay for them.

I went to M&S after the hosp and looked at ‘ordinary’ bras. I was really tearful thinking that I will be albe to buy nice ones again before too long, rather than having to stick a falsey in a mastectomy bra. Bought bra to wear after op and a couple of pairs of pj’s.

What part of the country are you from? Ilive in Sussex and my hosp is in sunny Worthing ( well it was today!).
Good to hear from you,
Polly x

Hello Polly

I am in Kent. So almost neighbours!!!

I hope you are not too disappointed not to be having both procedures done together. At least the oopherectomy is a fairly quick op, presuming you will have keyhole.

Straight after my recon my BCN told me to buy some stretchy crop top type bras from BHS. They were really comfortable and gave some support straight away when I was still sore and had drains in still and as they are stretchy you dont have to worry about getting the size exactly right. I still wear them at night now sometimes. I was so excited when I bought my first pretty bra. I went to Bluewater and I asked the shop assisstant if I could keep it on (like a child with new shoes). I must’ve had a big grin on my face while I did the rest of my shopping. I bought an underwired bra in the Debenhams sale this week, but I find it uncomfortable to wear for more than a few hours so will save it for nights out.

Do you feel excited to be getting your recon? I expect you have mixed emotions about it. Do you work, how much time do you plan to take off?

Jackie x

Hi Dawn,
Yes twas me! I couldn’t get in a ‘flora’ so I re registered. Thank you for ativating me again!
love Polly xx

Hi Jackie,
I’m not too worried about not having the oophorectomy at the same time. I guess I’ll be in enough pain without adding to it. I’ll go an see the cons about that in a few months. I’m on zoladex and although I don’t really like the whole process of jabs each month I can put up with it for now.

I’m really excited about the recon, tho I’m feeling a bit nervous. We’ve got builders in at the moment and we are ‘camping’ a bit. I’m pushing them to get our bedroom and ensuite finished so that I can hide away from the world when I get home!

You live in Kent. Have you been on a Odyssey experience? If not I’ll give you some details if you’d like me to. I know a number of people from this site and bc pals have.

Good to chat,
Polly x

Hi - I am due to have my reconstruction on 21st Nov - excited but nervous too - seems amazing that I will no longer be lop sided - tho will be unbalanced till op on other side to match up. I am having a LD and implant - and told that I will be in hospital for 10 days which seems like a really long time …but looking forward to things like bra shopping when am even on both sides…

Hi Alison,
Sounds like you and I are at a very similar stage. I keep having moments of absolute terror thinking aout the whole thing, then a few moments later I’m really excited. As I’m going in some time before you I will be able to share my experience with you and hopefully that I can offer some ‘hot tips’!
I’ve got a pre op assessment this week and then countdown for 17th!
keep in touch,
Polly x

Hi Polly

I have heard of Odyssey, but my surgery is all preventative so I would not be eligible, or deserving.

I hope your pre-op assessment goes well this week. Make sure you give yourself some treats before you go into hospital.

Jackie x

Hi Flora,

Will keep in touch and also have a countdown feeling too - bit of fear and tension but then thinking its all for a good outcome and my surgeon and oncologist and nurse are all very positive too ! Please let me know everything positive about the op !!! I will get a pretty bag to carry my drains around after the op - dreading those again but they are for a positive reason !

I think I will try to do something positive like lots of dog walking, eating less (I seem to be putting weight on) and have booked pilates tomorrow !

I want my waist back too !

Oh and also I had my ovaries removed last December - a relatively simple and quick op - back driving after a few days ( which is my benchmark for ‘out and about’ !)

Ugh those drains! I’ve noticed that I bleed more if I cut myself since I’ve been on Zoladex. Not sure if this will be a prob. Surgeon did say that I may have a pint or two of blood.
I’ve put on a few pounds over the past few weeks coz I’ve not been doing much exercise, still as I won’t be eating or drinking (wine!) much in hosp I guess it will balance out…well that’s my excuse!
Love Polly x