Reconstruction - implants

New to this site, what a great find. Realise there are similar posts but as we know everyone is different so here goes …
Had mastectomy in March and having finished chemo (no rad) , now looking at reconstruction options. Surgeon advised implant and mesh (I think because of my size - I am/was a 32 hh), then at a later date do the other side, either reduction and uplift or have also discussed possibility of contra lateral risk reducing mastectomy and implant (not brca but 3rd generation in a row to have bc). I have seen photos of results of implant surgery but what am struggling with is how it would actually feel - how unnatural does it feel and how quickly you get used to it? and do you have any feeling or completely numb? Does the end result justify everything need to do to get there? So many decisions is soooo tricky - over the worse but this stage seems never ending. Thanks in advance.

Hi Liz I’ve just got home from hospital today after having had dx and reconstruction with implants 5 days ago so it might be too early to give you any advice but happy to if it helps.

I had a lumpectomy in June then got BRCA 2 positive result so totally know how hard it is to have to make a choice such as this. I opted for implants as I couldn’t face the huge diep reconstruction and I’m so glad I did (so far) as its difficult to move your top half at first and you have drains inserted on either side so god only knows how difficult it would be if you can’t use the tummy area as well.

If I can help please ask, take care Suzie x

Hi Liz, I agree with Suzie, I only had one side done but was relieved to have the use of my core tunmy muscles to get me up and down!  I am 7 months post op and generally healed very well. There is a scar across the nipple (my surgeon kept my areole skin so it still looks quite like a nipple, ) the shape is good, I had the teardrop shaped implant and it is now beginning to drop slightlly to match the other side better. It is completely numb, you have to be careful to remember sun cream on the top part in the summer as you can’t feel it! Up till now I would say you are always aware of it, it feels slightly alien and occasionally twinges still . Not really painful just a little uncomfortable at times and  chest muscles on that side are still weak as everything is stitched to the chest wall. Having said all that it looks great in clothes, a bra or even a bikini and I am back to doing everything I did before the op, I just have to be careful at the gym not to do press ups and things that strain the chest muscles yet! 

Hi Liz,

Another person with an implant here, right side only. I am only 24 days post surgery (mx and implant) and can’t believe that my recovery has been as relatively easy as it has been so far. I am still a little bruised but that is going down every day. It is not my breast of course but I’m much happier with the shape than I imagined I would be. I have been fortunate that my cancer was far from the nipple so they were able to save that. The scar is a lot less vivid than I had anticipated. Still mostly very numb but I guess I’ll get used to that. I am quite amazed by what the surgeon has managed to achieve and it has been an big boost to my confidence when I was feeling very low and anxious.

Good luck with your decision. x

Hi ladies! Just thought I’d add my comments!  I have just reached the end of my big surgeries - had expanders swapped out for implants on 3rd September and have to say, am healing quite well.  The implants are much softer than the expanders were. There isn’t a lot of feeling in either side at the moment (I had double mx - nipples and everything taken away) but I did learn from having expanders in for a while that some of the feeling does come back after a while.  I am itching to go and have a bra fitting but not sure how long I have to leave it for swelling to go down. It was just a ‘straightforward’ swap from expanders to implants so no stretching involved.  Am almost 4 weeks post surgery.  Does anybody have any advice on this please?  Thank you. X 

Thanks ladies for your thoughts and encouragement. Good to know that you are happy with the results. I think I just struggling with the thought of putting myself (and family) through this op and possible future adjustment ops when I know that the end result isn’t going to fool me into thinking it’s real. Have been living with prosthesis since March and find that I can wear most things, including a swimming costume, without it being at all noticeable. So for me it’s not about what I look like clothed, more what I look and feel like without, and I am not 100 % convinced that an implant is really going to help with that. Kiki2, good to know you back at gym, I enjoy running and Pilates and just been to my first netball game since the op in March, hoping to go back to all of that (netball a bit optimistic).