Reconstruction of nipple

Hi everyone,

will be having surgery early November for nipple construction, would like to know if anyone else has recently  had this done  , and how successful it was . Does it look like a nipple.





I had a mastectomy and LD flap reconstruction 9 weeks ago and had a nipple reconstruction done at the same time and so far I am really happy with how it looks. I did have a few issues with it bleeding slightly a few weeks ago when the scabs came of but it seems to have settled down now. Don’t be alarmed at how it looks when the dressing is removed, it will look a bit black because of the scabs and it will probably stick out a lot further than your other one but after a few weeks it does shrink quite considerably. In answer to your question I would say that it does look like a nipple.

Hope this helps. Can I ask how long ago you had your reconstruction?

No I’m not on any medication.  I had DCIS and because I had mx before it had spread anywhere I didn’t need to have any further treatment or medication which I was very relieved about.


How is a nipple reconstruction done when it is delayed?  Is it done under general anaesthetic?

Are you nervous? Wish you all the best! :slight_smile:

Hi Murphy62

Have you had your nipple reconstruction yet and if so how did it go?

I’m doing ok thanks, my nipple has settled down nicely and looks really good and I’m back at work now.

Good luck for next Monday. Let us know how you get on xx

No worries Murphy. Thanks for you answer and I’m very glad you’re doing well. Are you going to have a tattoo later?

Hi Linda, I’m very happy that you’re fine and back to work! I’m not sure if I understood correctly, did you get mastectomy, breast reconstruction and nipple reconstruction at the same time? So it’s possible! Because I asked that to my surgeon and he’s confident that he can do the reconstruction right after the mastectomy, but he said that to do the nipple reconstruction the wound needs to be already healed. I’ll talk to him on my appointment tomorrow.

Many thanks for sharing.

Hi Linda, I’m very happy that you’re fine and back to work! I’m not sure if I understood correctly, did you get mastectomy, breast reconstruction and nipple reconstruction at the same time? So it’s possible! Because I asked that to my surgeon and he’s confident that he can do the reconstruction right after the mastectomy, but he said that to do the nipple reconstruction the wound needs to be already healed. I’ll talk to him on my appointment tomorrow.

Many thanks for sharing.

Hi Linda, I’m very happy that you’re fine and back to work! I’m not sure if I understood correctly, did you get mastectomy, breast reconstruction and nipple reconstruction at the same time? So it’s possible! Because I asked that to my surgeon and he’s confident that he can do the reconstruction right after the mastectomy, but he said that to do the nipple reconstruction the wound needs to be already healed. I’ll talk to him on my appointment tomorrow.

Many thanks for sharing.

PS: I wrote this message three times yesterday and the last time it was there, but today when I came to see if you had replied, I realised that it had disapeared. :frowning:

Hi Murphy,

I hope everything goes well when you take the dressing of on 19th. You’re very near to finish everything and get rid all of the thoughts about this bad time! I’m really glad for you and wishing so much for my time to be able to “forget” it either!

Can I ask why your reconstructions took so long? It was because of chemo? I have mastectomy booked to December and I’m becoming more and more terrified and anxious.

Hi Carol Lina
Now I realise why you sent me a private message as I’ve only just read this thread and seen that your message appeared 3 times! I hope I answered all your questions. If not let me know.

Hi Linda, sorry for that, so far those messages don’t appear to me :frowning:

Hi Murphy, thanks again!

Yesz it sounds a very long time. It’s just how each person see or feel about something. I just can’t handle with the feeling of being mutilated even if it was for one day. Maybe I should look for a psychologist, I’m getting afraid to develop depression. I’ve been completely scared when I receive a letter or text from hospital or when on my way to any appointment there.

They had booked to me a single mastectomy to December, but now they changed it to 28/11. I have an appointment tomorrow and don’t know yet what I’m going to tell them, since they now decided don’t give me even an expander due to radiotherapy(before they were talking about immediate reconstruction as I wasn’t going to have rads neither chemo).

Big hug to you.

Hi Murphy, thank you very much for your good wishes :slight_smile:

My surgeon delayed my surgery. He thinks I’m not emotionally prepared (who can be?):frowning:

Hi Murphy, how are you? What happened after the dressing coming off? Was everything ok? Are you happy with the results?

Hi Murphy, no worries. I’m happy is everything going ok for you ?

I also wish you a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year, much better than 2018 was for sure ??