Reconstruction options


i had a meeting to discuss my reconstruction options today. I had a skin sparing mastectomy which really doesn’t look very nice but is better for recon and as the surgeon pointed out to me isn’t flat, which is how I see it.


I’ve struggled so much since surgery as I was supposed to have the Diep but it failed due to previous surgery and I also had a reduction to my good side. 

The surgeon discussed liposuction, remaining as I am, an implant or a TMG/TUG flap (from your inner thigh). It was a really good discussion and the surgeon gave me all the pros and warned at length the cons of each procedure. By the end of the appointment I felt happy with how it went and he’s given me 4 months to think it over and decide.


I went with a good friend who did see how the surgery has left me, I haven’t shown anyone until now. My friend seemed to be steering me to staying as I am and asked why do I want recon? Ideally I’d like the TUG as I don’t want an implant but I think my friend is worried as it’s another big op. She pointed out I’ll have scars on my legs and could be misshapen after and the surgeon did ask how would I cope if this failed.


I’ve since been thinking why is this so important to me? I struggle with how I look, I don’t want to wear a prosthesis for ever and really I’d just like to feel like me again, if I can remember what that was. Since being home and thinking it over I realise I’ve got a lot to decide and still a way to go yet, I was hoping for an end in sight xx

Hi Lucy51

Thanks for your post. Hopefully other Forum users will respond soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to talk things through our breast care nurses are available six days a week - Mon-Fri 9am-4pm and Sat 9am-1pm. The free phone number to call is 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes


Forum admin

Hi Lucy51,


I had immediate reconstruction with an implant. The surgeon told me that was the only option available (even though I hated the thought of an implant) as diep flap is too expensive for the nhs and that it isn’t performed anywhere now for that reason. I later learned that isn’t so. Due to infection, the implant failed. I had a reduction on my healthy breast at the same time as my initial surgery. Reduction was mentioned almost in passing. I had no idea what was involved. I am left now with a heavily scarred breast that is three to four cup sizes smaller than before (again never discussed with me), no sensation in the nipple and to top it all, the breast is now a very peculiar shape. I cannot imagine being left like this. It’s all more devastating than the cancer diagnosis. At least there was no control over that … I have been referred to a different surgeon in a different unit two hundred miles away, but by the time I have an initial consultation I will have waited almost six months. There will be waiting lists after that.


Ican fully understand you wanting to have reconstruction. I hate wearing a prosthesis and am self conscious all the time. I’m hoping for diep. If that weren’t possible, I’m not sure what I would do, so don’t envy you your decision … Perhaps having the time to reflect  is the wisest move. Timecan shift perspectives. As for another big surgery, to my mind, I have come through one, well three when you count the extra ones trying to sort the complications out, and am still not put off going through more if there’s a chance to have a reconstructed breast at the end. Although I don’t want to go near an implant ever again, it would still be preferable to the status quo. I think for you, you will know deep down what you want and you should go for that. It’s good to take the time to reflect and to be fully informed,but at the end of the day it’s your body and your decision. I hope you come to one that you are happy with and that all goes smoothly. Xx