reconstruction or not

Got to go and discuss whether to have reconstruction after mastectomy due soon.
Is it safe to have straight away or should I let things heal and have it done later.

Sorry - forgot to say Hi - new to this computer thing. Newly dx (Friday 13th June). I have been looking at all your comments and decided to jump in. Head all over the place - trying to put on a happy face. Having to keep dx under wraps until my two youngest (twins 18) finish their A levels at the end of this week. Then one is off on holiday to Ibiza for Sun, sea and ***. so I don’t want him to be upset while he is away. Found a large lump they think it is 4 - 6cms so had to have a scan which thankfully was clear. Told I need mastectomy, chem and then rads. Got to decide whether to have reconstruction now or later. Worried I might get complications. Should I wait until all the treatment is over and then have the reconstruction - or get it over and done with all at once. Any views would be great. thanks

Hi floss

Whilst you wait for the other forum members to share their experiences and offer advice you may find it useful to have a look at the BCC booklet on reconstruction.
It can be found by following the link below:-

I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards


Hi floss - I had an immediate LD recon ( March 8th) and haven’t had any complications but I didn’t need rads - just chemo which I am in the middle of now. Rads can affect your implant if that is the sort of recon you are having. I would also say that my recon is still very tight and sometimes uncomfortable and I have been told that this can take upto a year to feel better. Chemo seems to aggravate my recon for a few days making it even tighter - not a pleasant feeling.
All this said I am happy with my recon and glad I had all the op in one go but I just wanted to let you know as nobody told me that my recon boob would feel so strange for so long. It is a very personal descision to make and a lot of it may depend on how much you can cope with at once, how much support you have, whether you work etc .
If you have any other questions please ask as I don’t want to woffle about things you aren’t interested in!

Thanks - the doctor told me the rads could make the skin tight if I had an implant and said the plastic surgeon would advise me the best for me. Going on Friday to talk to him - might change my mind and wait until later. Not sure if I can cope with all this at the moment. Thanks for your views.

Hi Floss,
I had Mastectomy on 29th May and was not offered recon…consultant said he wanted to treat cancer first and then maybe 18 months - 2 years down the line we could discuss it. i was not really given a choice. Still, like Holly says, I do have to have rads after chemo so thats probably why and in my mind I just want them to get rid of it. Good luck with your descision making, it must be really hard knowing what is right - just follow your gut instinct.
All the very best with your children (funny how we protect them eh?) and note that there is a friends and family section on here if they need support…my sisters have found it a great help
Best of luck and a big hug
Hayley x

I was told I could not have an immediate reconstruction. I envy you your choice. I would have had one if I could, as now I face the prospect of further surgery at a later date, and having to recover all over again. I’m not sure if I can face that.

Hi Floss,
I had ‘partial’ recon done by LD flap at same time as mastectomy.5 weeks ago. My surgeon was keen to ‘do the ground work’ at the same time as the mastectomy (Mx) because you get a much better overall appearance with not scarring in the cleavage line if it’s done at same time - they cut a circle around the nipple and remove the breast tissue via that and make an incision in your back to move the muscle, and use fat & skin from the back to ‘line ’ the breast. If you have small breasts. you often dont’ need an implant. I do need one, but have elected to leave that on advice from my consultant until chemo & rads over as rads affect the implant. As it is I’m pleased with my shape - I can wear low cut (if I chose to!!) and can bend down without anyone knowing I’ve had a Mx. I have a small prosthesis to make up the bulk currently.

Recovery has been ok even with such a big op (7.5 hours in surgery, lost losts of blood, quite breathless after!!) - I’ve never needed much pain releif, and am back to normal activity after only 5 weeks…

Good luck in making your decision!

Big love Td xxx

Thanks for replies - my head is all over the place at the minute. Feel silly worrying about whether to have reconstruction or not - just want the b*****d out. My mum had a mastectomy 17 years ago and was not offered one - I suppose things have moved on since then. She just had to take tamoxifen for so many years - thankfully she has now been discharged from the hospital (after 17 years) so I know this can be beaten. My mum was 62 when she got it - I am 52 - so the doctor said I would have to have chemo and rads to be sure. Not bothered what it takes as long as they do something. Probably will feel different when things start to happen. Trying to remain normal is my main concern until I can tell the rest of the family. The BC nurse is going to help me decide on Friday - I suppose I just want to see what options are open.

Will come back if I think of any other questions.

Thanks XXX

Hi floss
just read on sheree’s thread that you’ve opted for the recon… well done for making the decision!
there is good book worth taking a look at re reconstruction called The boudica within - maybe the library can get it - it’s photos -mostly ‘artistic’ -and stories of womens journeys - def worth a look. my OH boutght it for me and I shoe it to everyone!

Love Td x

Thanks Td,

Feel alot better now I have been given a date. Making the decision to have the recon. made me feel more in control. I have always been a bit of a control freak! Will have a look at the library to see if they stock the book. Plan to take a few books (funny if possible) with me in hospital as they have told me I will be in for about a week. So if anyone knows of any good books - not too long - that will keep me amused, I would be grateful. I am counting the days down until the 16th - wanting it to come quick but dreading every day. Glad to hear you were back to normal activity in 5 weeks. I hope I do as well. I have made up my mind to enjoy being looked after for once instead of being the one doing the caring.

Love Candy

Hi Candy

I had mastectomy and LD recon 2.1/2 weeks ago, it is a big decision aren’t they all at the moment!!. I am really pleased with the results, even though I kept worrying that I had made the wrong decision. Really glad I did it now will stop the need to have any more surgery in the future.

I am back to normal, still feels a bit odd but that will take time.

Good luck with yours, I am sure you will be glad you did it sooner rather than later. Take it easy when you get home.



Hi Ann

All these positive comments make me feel I have made the right decision. The PS told me this was the best op for me. Still have a few more days before I can tell my kids and my mum and dad. I feel like a volcano waiting to burst. Had to have a good cry in bed so no one could see me. My eyes look like they have suitcases, not bags, so will be glad when it is all out in the open - then I can deal with things better. Glad you made a good recovery - any problems with the scars, healing etc?

Love Candy x

Hi Candy,

You know, telling the family and kids is horrible but once done it’ll be fine. -
Itchanges your role from carer to cared for, except that you have all of their stuff to deal with too for a time. I was very straight with my family - told them when I had all my test results back (although the final path reports post surgery changed things somewhat) and did my best to be reassuring that this is just another journey for us all to take together.

My kids are 15,13 &3 and are managing well. my Dad has worried more - my mum died of bc 5 years ago. He finds it difficult to see that my situation is different…

I think you’re haveing a DIEPPE ?? look at some of the threads in ‘reconstruction’ - lots of advice …
My own LD flap is healing fine, no problems with the scar at all and I’m driving now - bit longer for a dieppe I think. To be honest, even though I’m having chemo, I cold go back to work now… but I can’t as they won’t have me,so putting my energy into getting the house straight!!! After all these years…

Good luck with telling the tale.

Big Love Td xx

Hi Td,

Done the deed - almost. Told my two daughters today, 22 and 18, mum and dad, brother and family. They have been great. All upset but positive thinking - due to the fact my mum has already been down this difficult path but beat the b*****d. Have got to wait until my son 18 gets back off his hols on Sunday and then that will be all the people who count - the rest can wait. Feel like some of the pressure is off and now counting days to op. I don’t know if its normal but every little ache, pain now seems twice as bad as it did before - funny how our mind plays these games with us. Reading all the comments really helps and I love your sense of humour - the thread about the one liners made me smile. Have to go for a MRI before recon. (I hate small places) and pre op assessment on 7th July. Any ideas on how to cope with MRI? Have started house clearing already - all those jobs that needed doing years ago seem very important now!


Love Candy XX

Hi Kat,

I have decided on immediate recon. Having DIEP flap as the PS said that if I needed rads. this would be better. I know it will be a long op - 8 - 10 hours but it will be all over at once. I said I would have whatever op came first mx only or mx with recon. They offered me 17th July for mx only or 16th for mx with recon. I took that as a sign to have the recon. done straightaway. Feel better now made decision - just want to get moving quickly.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Love Candy X

Hi Candy

You feel more at peace once you have made your mind up, and the people that you care about all know. Once they know and it’s out in the open, they can help by letting you talk through your worries and fears. By the way I still cry at times sometimes for no reason, I think I feel sorry for myself now and again. Although I would hate it if anyone else felt sorry for me. I still wish it had never happened but I have become a stronger more thoughtful person, as I know how lucky I am to have the life and family I have and will appreciate it and them much more from now on.

I had an immediate recon using LD back muscle 3 weeks ago and feel great. A girl I met a couple of weeks ago had the same op as you, and was out in 4 days feeling really well. I was glad that the decision was taken away from me and I needed the mast, as I think I would have worried for years that it might come back. I didn’t have any pain afterwards or now other than a bit of soreness and bruising to begin with, hopefully you will be the same.

The waiting will be the worst as at this point you will just want it done, but it does give you time to get your house/life in order. I spent the time getting the house and garden all sorted and doing a bit of research into the next steps after surgery so I knew what to expect. Am back to a bit of housework and going into work a couple of hours a week, it’s amazing that our bodies can heal so fast. I have been for lunch with friends and out for meals and trying to get my life back, as it’s been on hold for a while and may be again once chemo starts.

Take care, and let us know how you are getting on.




Hi Candy - glad it went well with the family. It is such a relief to get the telling over with!

Re the MRI - you like on a table with two holes cut out for your boobs on your tummy, GET COMFORTABLE - this is very important or you will have a stiff neck!! the table enters the giant polo - it’s a tube which is wide - plenty of room around and bright - so no dark enclosed spaces. I had earphones and music (very middle of the road, but fine!) but it was very very noisy. Half way through you are pulled out a bit, some sort of dye/contrast is injected via a tiny needle that they put into your arm before hand and you go back in.

It is fine. If you really really have a problem with small spaces think about organising a tiny wee amount of diazepam for just before you go… that’ll calm you.

And the really good thing about the MRI is that there are no suprises after surgery and the pathologist knows what they are looking for when then get that sample infront of them…

Have a good w/e!!

Td x