Reconstruction - Tummy Tuck

Could you please let me know what it is like? I have had my first appointment with a plastic surgeon in Jan 10. He says looking at me he would say tummy tuck reconstruction would be the preferred option, however my skin is still not fully healed from my radiotherapy that I had back in Aug 09. Even though I thought my skin looked pretty good! I have to go back and see him again next month, when he will discuss with me fully all of my options.

I have spoken with a couple of people who have experience of tummy tucks and they are all trying to put me off of it

who has had this op? what is your opinion?

thanks Lisa

Hi Lisa
its 11 years since I had a TRAM flap recon (which gives the tummy tuck) and I would definitely do it again. Its not an easy op to have or get over, but for me it was one of the most positive things I have ever had done.
The new breast works so well because its your own tissue and I’ve found that when I lost weight, I have lost it from both breasts equally.
I’m sure you’ll get a range of perspectives, but that’s mine!
I hope things go well
take care
monica xxx

Hi Lisa,
I had a Diep reconstruction in Dec 2009, (now 16 weeks from op) I have had a fantastic recovery from my op, my tummy was tight for a while, no tight jeans or slinky outfits, but i am really pleased with my reconstructed breast and my tummy which is now flat.
I hope everything goes ok for you.
Liz xx

I assume you are having a diep which means you won’t lose any muscle and its a much quicker recovery. Apart from tightness and a bit of soreness it wasn’t a problem.
The plastic surgeon cut away the worst of the radiotherapy damaged skin during the operation. I was delighted by my result.It’s now nearly 4 years. The scare is hardly noticeable. And it was nice to get a flatter stomach for free!
Good luck

Hi all

I had my appt with the plastic surgeon on 5 feb. I am on the list for tram flap. No one has put me off and everyone on this sight has very positive views. I think it will be in about 6 months time. I am worried about the pain but looking forward to having 2 boobs and wearing normal bras. Keep in touch. Where will you be having surgery I will be in st johns in Scotland.

Carolyn x

Hi there, I had a diep reconstruction 5 weeks ago and am recovering well. I have to say that when I first saw the scar in the mirror in the hospital I was horrified. Even though I was expecting it to be bad, it’s different when you actually see it on your own body. However 5 weeks on it’s already looking much better. I am managing to massage the scars every day which I didn’t think I would and they’re already fading.

The op takes a long time to get over, so just take things easy and do as you’re told. I can honestly say that I don’t regret it and can’t wait to go and buy new bras and clothes once things have settled down.

Best wishes

yeah, remember, after all this you deserve the most beautiful lingerie and to enjoy feeling beautiful in it

Have you asked about having a diep instead? My surgeon never does trams anymore unless she is unable to find an adequate blood supply and this very rarely happens. If they don’t do it at your hospital, you can be refered to another one.
Hope you don’t mind me commenting

Hello Lisa. In answer to your questions, I’ve had it, and my opinion is that I’m glad I had it done, but it is major surgery with quite long term recovery.

Having made the decision to go ahead, which was quite easy as this was always the type of reconstruction I had wanted, it felt initially like all the rest of my treatment - something to be got through, and I think it was only 3 or 4 days after the operation that I really began to realise how lucky I was to have had this, and how delighted I was with the results.

I’m happy to answer any questions - best of luck!


HI Kelley, Hi All

I have had 2 C Sections previously and I am not sure if this is why they will do the tram flap. The have to cut a little higher up so they dont go near the existing scars.

Thanks for all the comments
CArolyn x

Hi Ladies

I had a Tram Flap recon, at the time I was quite poorly and did wonder if I had chose the right recon but I think no matter which recon we choose, we can’t get away from pain. Its 8 weeks since my Mastectomy and recon and though I am still healing, I do like my flat tummy and soft breast.

Carolyn159 - I have also had a C-section, my new scar is the only scar I now have on my tummy and I think it looks better than my previous C-section scar. My surgeon was going to try not to use muscle but he had too, possibly due to me being big breasted. I do wish I had asked for an uplift on my good breast at same time as the op as I am now lopsided.

I think making a list of questions to ask surgeon is a very good idea, I so wish I had done that - I would not be lopsided if I had.

That can be corrected at a later stage but I don’t know if I can cope with anymore ops, so I may have to stay lopsided.


Hi Aqua

Thanks for your posting. I asked the surgeon at the time about my good breast. He is going to do the reconstruction first then a little later he is going to reduce and uplift the good breast and tidy up the tummy area if it needs it. Did you buy any special underwerar to take into hospital. I am glad you are pleased with your reconstruction most people say it gets better as timje goes on. How much slimmer in the tummy area are you? I am hoping for miracles.

Take care

Carolyn x

Hi Carolyn

My surgeon did say I may have dog ears but all seems fine though I’m sure my belly button doesn’t look quite in the centre - only noticed yesterday, I will have to discuss it with surgeon when he does my nipple.

I was asked to take in support camisoles though not support knickers, I purchased a bigger size and just as well I did as new breast was very swollen and felt so heavy. It does look better as weeks are going on, I do use a lot of moisturiser and bio oil on the scars.

I would say I was very pleasantly surprised with the flatness of my tummy.
The C-Section I had was over 30 years ago, the scar was across not horizontal and my tummy fell over the scar - its all gone now! In fact I will definitely have to get new clothes when I have the energy to do so as I have to wear belts to keep things up! Feels like I have my teenage years belly back!


Hi Aqua

Sounds good i will purchase some camisoles wearing belts cos everything is too big sounds great I might have the figure back I had 30 odd years ago. Keep in touch

Take care

Carolyn x