Reconstruction - what to go for???

Hi all,
I was diagnosed with er+ and pr+ BC in july 2011. I had mastectomy in Aug 2011 and then went straight onto monthly Zolodex injections and Tamoxifen. I’ve just started looking into reconstruction (delayed as loads of other things going on at time of dx) but am really confused as to what to go for. Have half decided on LD Flap but surgeon would prefer to use buttock and/or thigh. Not enough fat on tummy for TRAM flap. I’m very slim and small anyway and have lost loads of weight since dx which has not helped. Have only just returned to work and they are hounding me as Ive been off sick for ‘too long’ apparently and now I’m worried that I will be off work again soon for reconstruction - been told it will be within the next 18 weeks. If theres anyone that can offer any advice on what reconstruction you’ve had and the recovery time, how happy you are with surgery etc I would be really grateful. Thanks.

Hi Diddy6

I had an immediate LD flap reconstruction and no implant, so a bit different, as it was an all in one operation.

Cosmetically the result is fantastic, and I am very happy with my choice. I have a big, but faded, scar on my back tha runs roughly under the bra-line (depends which bra!) and a totally natural cleavage. 18m on I still have some tightness across my back if the atmosphere is cold or damp but it eases with gentle stretching. I have numb skin on my back, under my arm and on my breast.

In terms of recovery, I was told to take 6-12 weeks off work, and I took the twelve (which was all the time I had off in my treatment, I was lucky) Recovery was good but I needed help around the house (I live alone) with hoovering and heavy tasks for most of that time. I was driving after six weeks and able to get out and about after about one. I found I tired easily to start with. I’d say a minimum of six weeks off work, but allow for more.

I hope you get some input on the other options, and whatever you decide that the result is great.

I too had a delayed reconstruction and went for DIEP/TRAM on advice on my PS as I did have enough flesh on my tummy for this procedure. Its worth asking for a full consultation as to what is available/best for you if you havent already had one. I found PS advice invaluable as I was going down a very different route (ie implants) - I just wanted a quick and easy op after all I had been through but he explained it all to me in great detail. With some procedures whilst initially it is quick to do they do have to keep replacing/renewing them so in effect so a DIEP was the best option for me - they can use buttock and thigh for this and I am aware of ladies who have had this with very good outcomes. I am so pleased with my new breast it is fantastic to have a breast after being without one and everyday I pinch myself as I can’t believe my good fortune! I am now awaiting an uplift for the good breast and a nipple but should have that in the next couple of months and then i will be ‘perfect’ according to my PS! I found my PS really wanted to do a ‘good’ job and they do push certain ops which they think are right for you and cosmetically give a better outcome. I was out of action for about 3 months in total - when I say out of action I mean off work and couldn’t really drive or heaving lifting but now 7 months on I am totally fit and well and just come back from a holiday abroad where I wore a nice tankini and showed off my new breasts - scaring is minmal and will fade even more in time. It is a long time off work and if they are being difficult it is hard as they seem to think a reconstruction is only cosmetic and not part of cancer recovery. I was lucky in that my employer has been very supportive but I only took a minimal amount of time off work on diagnosis after surgery and worked through chemo and rads as I knew I would need extra time off for my reconstruction. I therefore got full pay for the whole time I was off which helps considerably. good luck with whatever you decide xx

Hi i had same as revcat but with implants and am very happy with results,same tightening across my back and still large areas of numbness but all in all manageable with the odd pain killers now and again.I have however had to change jobs because I was an auxillary on a very heavy ward.I now work part time on ward reception.Cant help with the amount of time needed to recover because it was all done at time of mastectomies.Good luck with whatever you decide.

I would love to hear recommendations of surgeons please - here if its allowed or by private message, its a few months away before i will be considred but seems to me a PS is a lot better for this than a BS ??
why don´t they do reduction on good side at same time instead of later?

Hi all,

If anyone wants to recommend surgeons please can you do this by the private message system and not on the open forum as this would contravene BCC’s Community Guidelines in relation to the naming of professionals.

I trust you all understand our reasons for this.

Kind regards,

Jo. Facilitator