reconstruction with fat and stem cells

Has anyone had experience with the reconstruction of the fat and stem cells? I found the following link - here dr. doing this wery expensive. But he invented and developed this reconstruction method.I found more chepest can to do it in Latvia.But I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW is it possible to do something similar in England? May be somebody did?

Hi Zibzab,
I read an article on the BBC website (health) a few weeks ago, about this. The gist of it seemed to be that the procedure has not been properly tested yet. There was concern that some private clinics in the UK were carrying out cosmetic work using this method. There is a trial going on Europe wide, I think (?) headed up by a consultant from the Canniesburn Unit in Glasgow. The aim of the trial is to determine whether or not using stem cells increases the likelihood of the cancer recurring. This will not be known for quite a few years. I seem to recall that concerns were also raised regarding the competence of surgeons currently carrying out the procedure?? Just found the article
Hope this is helpful.
Take care

The Brava method (as used by the US surgeon) is rebuilding a breast after mx with the own patients body fat from scratch wearing a cone to stretch the skin, no flap recon (or implants) this is not done in the UK. The BBC article refers to Lipofilling post reconstruction surgery (flaps/implants) to repair dents or address any smaller size differences using body fat/stem cells. I have had two lipofills using different methods so far and going to have a third using yet another method. The two previous attempts have seen reabsorbtion to a large extend I hope this one will be more successful. I had ld flap with no implant. My surgeon&myself are aware of the issues but so far it seems a safe procedure. It seems that the plastic surgery industry has taken up the procedure to use lipofill to enhance size in healthy breasts and it’s being done by less qualified surgeons which must be a risk. I would be extremely cautious about having my recontruction&follow up abroad as the NHS might not pick you up in case of post surgical problems.