Hi every one need some help, I had my MX on the 6thbof June, since then I feel like I’m on a roundabout, Ive been on antibiotic since the op the BCN sirens em me everyday day this week as they are concerned that my skin isn’t healing as it should, I’ve been told today that I need to go back into hospital on Friday to have all the dead skin and infected skin removed, Im under the impression that a strattice ( animal skin ) is a new thing and it commonish for the skin not to take ??? Anyone else had the same problem
Hi Bex Linz,
Firstly, sorry you have to deal with the prospect of another op and I have just seen from the date of your post that you may have already had your op.
You don’t say if you have a reconsruction at the time of your mastecomy, but I am assuming you did, and that you had strattice plus implant. I have strattice when I had my bilateral masteomies, and one healed well (and looks great) but the other developed an infection due to healing issues and I had the op you are describing- ie complete removal of tissue etc.
You are right strattice is relatively new in the UK - more common in the US as I understand it.
I was told it is rare to have problems and in my case, it was thought to be as a result of radiotherapy and damage to the small blood vessels which prevented healing.
You don’t say how you are feeling, but I was really upset afterwards. I felt ‘rare’ for all th wrong reasons. I have moved on know and have come to terms with what happened. There is a thread somewhere here where women have hd problems with their recsontructions- you are not alone!
Take good care, Rattles x
Oh hi Rattles, I’m glad I’m not alone ( in a way) yes I had reconstruction at the same time as MX, sadly I’ve had to have my implant and stattice removed over the weekend, 22nd June, the blood vessels wasn’t doing there job, I try to simplify it in my head, I know there must be more to it, so I’m flat cheated now on the right side, I may opt for an implant at a later date but at the moment the thought of more surgery is a no go, my consultant says she would put a skin expander in first, but that’s something to think about in time, poor you with both boobs, how are you feeling, I did feel sore and thinking back a bit poorly i only had my implant 2weeks I never seemed to get better but nose, onwards and upwards, I find out today 24th what type of treatment I will have, I know it won’t be radiotherapy, luckily for me my sentinel nodshawls clear of mets, please keep me informed on how thou get on ,
Take care xx Rebecca x
Good luck for today. If your nodes weren’t affected then maybe you wont need to have chemo.
I feel like you about further surgery but the thing about reconstruction is that the door is always open to you. You might find that 6 months down the road you feel very differently.
Let us know how you get on. Rattles x
I am in the same boat - I had a mx with immediate recon implant and strattice mesh on the the 18th MArch. I have had ongoing healing issues but thought everything was getting better. BUT I have just got back from hospital after being told that I now need the implant to be taken out. They said that they would try and keep the skin, let it heal and then try expander and eventually a new implant later (no sure if this is going to take 6 months or longer). Feel dreadfully sad right now as I was so pleased with the original results.
Thinking of you x
Hi meemoo, yeah it very disappointing, I saw my BCN today she was much happier with my boob now and I feel much better in my self, but as Rattles say I may feel like facing reconstruction further down the line, at the moment I’ve got a soft prostheses breast but a more can I say " life like " has been mentioned, try not to beat yourself up to much and maybe a few months down the line your will have a happy healthy implant. Take care Meemoo xx
Hi Bex Linz, I had reconstruction surgery on 27 April using new strattice and whilst scar has healed up I do feel the new breast is hard and mis-shapen and my consultant did mark it may be the “new material” not giving as much! He wants to allow time for the tissue swelling to go down and will re view in September. I just have my fingers crossed that it doesn’t have to be re-done. Best wishes for your recovery.
Hi gillypud - I had an immediate reconstruction with implant and strategic mesh last June. It was very hard to begin with but gradually it has softened up and dropped slightly (gravity due to the weight of the implant). It probably took 4-5 months though so hopefully yours will do the same.
I had mx on June 18th with instant recon usingcstrattice. I had to hsve dead skin trimmed 2 weeks later. The wound just would not heal and last week I had the implant removed although the stattice has integrated well. I am hoping for a second attemptcat recon in about 8 weeks time. The problem was when my wound actually came open there was no one who understood about the strattice. I phoned ambulance service 111 and even saw an oohs gp they didn’t really understand the importance of the wound being closed. Typically it had to to be the weekend. But every womans results are different just listen to your surgeon and ask questions. Hope your skin begins to heal soon.
hello - I am new to this site hence the late reply to your question.
I too had a strattice fitted and have not had the same problem as you. My op was carried out a year ago and I return this month for the second op on my other breast, plus having the implant topped up with saline. My problem is fat necrosis which is nothing to do with the strattice. I hope your problems are sorted by now. Regards Chris
:smileyhappy: Hello, new to the forum but have found reading some of the comments comforting over the last few weeks whilst I was going through the rollercoaster of tests, emotion and eventually surgery. July 31, DX with IDC, Aug 23, single step mastectomy with strattice reconstruction, currently all going well. Sept 4, results, lymph nodes clear, referred to chemotherapy, nothing unusual here I believe, the blow came when when I was then told I was to be referred also for radiotherapy at the end of chemotherapy, will this effect the reconstruction? Apparently a very strong chance, pretty devastated :smileysad: Anyone else had strattice and radiotherapy?
I had a bi lateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using strattice last Nov. Nearly a year on I am still in great discomfort on the left side which pulls, throbs and feels lumpy. The right side has finally settled down.
I am shocked at how difficult it is to see my plastic surgeon. I have seen him twice since the operation despite wanting to be checked properly and for the problem to be resolved. I still have the tubes and ports in…which are in the wrong way round so are of no use yet they still wont remove them.
Strattice has not been used very much in the UK and so I am guessing that there is lack of experience here where as it has been used for years in the USA.
It is known that if you have radiation after surgery it affects the implants, they usually harden.
My surgeon tells me that they are working on a new type of radiation that is a one off treatment at the time of the op. Before the implants are put in.
I think what we all need is more TRANSPARENCY with the treatments, results and things that can go wrong.