Reconstruction wound opened

I had a masetcomy 10 or so weeks ago and have been plagued by infections. 2 chemo cycles under my belt - last one 9 days ago. On Wednesday saw the surgeon who said the wound had just about closed, Friday it looked all soggy so saw the nurse who thought she could see the implant! re-dressed it and booked to see her Tuesday, Today the dressing looked wet so I took it off, only to be faced with a 10p piece sized hole though which I can see white so assume it’s the implant or mesh I can see. Surgeon has put me on antibiotics but really scared its just going to open up and will have to have the implant removed.


Anyone had problems with wounds/implants etc? Very stressed.

Sounds familiar.I didn’t have chemo,but had infections both sides,following bi lateral mx…long story short,implants were removed,a relief in a way,then opted for DIEP.It is a rubbish time,feeling for you.I,at one point, saw my expander implant.Always happened at weekend as well…you will get there though.Gentle hugs.

I can quie understand your worries. I swelled up and they were worried it was infected. Keep going to the hosp , everyone has a unique journey with this bc lark

Thank you girls. We’ve been using honey for a couple of weeks and it was looking good til Friday. I’ve redressed it but only had iinadine pads at home not honey. Nurse will do it Tuesday.

Hi Riversidedawn,


10 weeks after masectomy I also found a 3-4 cm hole. My surgeon put me on antibiotics, but 2 weeks later my implat had to be removed … hole was not healing. I also could see a mesh (blue colored mesh). Every case is different, so in your case It could still heal !!! I do have a pic. how it looked , if you would like I can email it to you, so you can compare



I had to get my implant taken out after two weeks as a centimetre of skin wasn’t healing, they replaced it with expander 3 weeks ago, now I am paranoid this won’t work either, I have bad nerve ending pain from an auxillary clearance , I’m now at 5 weeks post opp

Well it didn’t close up and I had the implant removed a week ago. FEC 3 should have been today but put off to 2nd jan to give the wound time to heal. My lively pert boob has turned into a lump if wrinkly meat!

Surgeon us happy with it though. Stitches should come out next week. We discussed options for reconstruction after chemo, could have expander 8 weeks after chemo and final implant after radio if onc will let it be put off that long. Otherwise it’s reconstruction after radio which I read isn’t a good option… Any stories to share on that? X