
can anybody who has a reconstruction tell how they feel about having it done .

I had a bilateral mastectomy in October 2010 followed by chemo and was told before the mastectomy that I would be able to have reconstruction 12 months after the mastectomy. I went to see the surgeon in Novemebr last year and had temporary expander implants put in the following week! Having implants was the only type of reconstruction I could have as I don’t have enough fat for anything else. The temporary expander will be removed and replaced with permanent implants and after that I will have nipples! I was in hospital as a day patient for the surgery and recovered very quickly and I am very happy with the results so far. I hated having to wear protheses before and could never get used to them, I was always very self-conscious and felt very restricted with the clothes I wore in case they gaped when I leaned forward or were a little low but I don’t have that problem any more. Even though the process isn’t finished I have so much more self confidence and feel even better than I did before bc. I love the fact that I can now wear normal bra’s (Non wired) - and I have a normal bikini - I hated the mastectomy bikini I had last year. I wasn’t given the option to have reconstruction at the same time as the mastectomy but would have chosen that if it had been available. For me it was the best thing but every one is different and I know lots of ladies don’t have reconstruction at all.

I had a reconstruction 9 months ago at the same time as the masectomy when dressed nobody would know, I had an implant the only option I was given. In two weeks time i am going back for the nipple reconsruction and tiding up, If anyone has had the nipple recon could you tell me please can you wear a bra when you leave the hospital, and how long did it take to heal?
I am looking forward to looking as near normal as possible, but I don’t think I will ever get used to my new breast, i don’t think anything prepares you emotionally for the outcomes of a masectomy.
thank you camper x

Hi all,
I had a mx and immediate recon with a diep flap, ie using fat from my tummy to fill my breast.
I was scared beforehand…scared of everything, injections, GA, catheter, drains etc. It’s tough to start with, but the bad time doesn’t last long really. None of it was as bad as I expected.
Now, five months on, I can barely feel any of the wound sites,i can wear a bikini and am pretty much back to normal physically. My recon boob is a bit heavier than the other one, and a bit bigger but I’m expecting that to be sorted out when I have the finishing touches done, including a nipple created.

Hope this helps.

Hi Chances
can you be more specific with your question?
If you mean was it worth it? - then yes (LD recon with implant)