Hi all, On the 20th July I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was told at that point that I would have to have the lump removed and the sentinal? node lymph removed. When the results came back on, of all days, Friday 13th August, I was told that I have to have a mastectomy, all the lymph nodes removed and a CT scan to see if the cancer has spread further into my body. Im 40 years old. I’m devasted. I’ve always had lumpy breasts, so when this lump was found, I thought nothing of it, my partner of two years insisted that I go to the Dr. I was told by the breast clinic nurse to have a reconstruction straight away, I would feel better for this emotionally. But the Plastic Surgeon is very reluctant to do this. I really don’t know what to do for the best. My CT scan is next week, and I know that the mastectomy will be done within the next 3 weeks. I think I have to make a decision by then. My partner is wonderful, and I know he will stand by me no matter what. Does anyone have any advice for me at all? So sorry that this has taken so much of a page. x I’m very confused at the moment x
Hi Sianni
so sorry that you have to join us but you will get tons of help here. I was diagnosed in March, i was 41. I had a mastectomy at the end of march. For me, It was important that i went into hospital with two boobs and i came out with two! I therefore, had immediate reconstruction and had the other boob reduced and uplifted. It was major surgery although not as painful as you would imagine. I am really pleased with what ive had done and my scarring is fantastic. I had an LD flap (back flap). what options have they given new??
Take one day at a time and try not to look too far ahead. one piece of advise is not to read anything on this site that doesnt relate to you - it can be quite scary!
When i was getting anxious about my surgery somebody on here said “the anticipation is worse than the operation”…i kept this thought with me all the time and it was VERY VERY true.
good luck with everything and if you have any questions then ask away - somebody on here will always have an answer!!
HI Sianni,
So sorry you are going through this, you’ve probably seen it but there is a discussion going on in the undergoing treatment- surgery section about just this topic. I have posted there about what my surgeon said, basically if you are to have radiotherapy it can spoil a reconstruction. Thats his opinion, you’ll find lots of differing opinions even among professionals, I’m surprised the breast care nurse is telling you what to do, its a very personal decision. If its any comfort I was totally terrified at the prospect of having one breast but it really is ok. I’m concentrating on fighting the cancer for now and looking forward to the reconstruction next year. Deed Its great you are pleased with yours- I can’t wait!
Good luck,
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Look for the other threads regarding this topic, but if the ps is advising against it then I would listen to him. Most ps really encourage recon, so he must have his reason.
Everyone’s cancer is different, for me fighting the disease and being well is far more important than two boobs.
To all. Just want to say a BIG THANK YOU. I think it makes it easier when you know other people are going through this as well. So You’re not alone. Think I have made biggest decision of my life ever! I’ve decided not to have the reconstruction till later. Will still have tears when I see no breast, but I think its for the better. Would rather get this cancer out of my body,than wait for healing then chemo then rads. I may appreciate my Boob much more. Thanks to all for advise and support. Will be on here a lot I think . Thank you. Sianni xx