Hi all i know i have already posted about this but i am now terrified about the op, i keep havin dreams that i wont wake up from the anaesthetic, i am beging to think i am going mad i am 33 so i thought i would have the reconstruction but am dreading it now, i am having a tissue expander put in, sorry to go on
take care clare
Dear Clare
All I can say is I was pretty scared of the op when I had my mastectomy a week ago, I was even crying as they wheeled me up to the theatre!
But once in the anaesthetic room I wasn’t aware of anything until I woke up. They are so proficient these days at anaesthetising, that you will be absolutely fine. Don’t worry, easy to say as I was too but I really really did have nothing to be frightened of
Hope it goes well for you
Cecelia. x
Hi Clare
I too had a mastectomy last week like Cecelia and was scared - the run up to it is worse than the actual thing itself. The anaesthetic is actually not horrible in fact it’s a rather nice feeling and it all happens so fast - one minute you are there and the next minute you are waking up and just feeling very sleepy - I slept the day away. You will be very well looked after. I did have an oxygen mask on for the rest of the day but that is not abnormal and is because you are so sleepy you don’t take in enough oxygen - it’s just a precaution so don’t worry if you have one.
Hope we have made you feel a little better.
Rebz xx
Hi Clare. I had this operation on 3lst August this year. I was terrified, but felt a bit silly afterwards as it was OK nothing to worry about. I was only in hospital for one night and am now fully inflated and waiting until after Xmas then will have a permanent implant placed in possibly February. Its one of the best things I have done. I’m a good bit older than you (55) but I must tell you it great to have two breasts again.
All the best for tomorrow.
Lou xx
Dear Clare,
All the best for tomorrow. If you can, try and do something which relaxes you and takes your mind off things - I was reading crime novels right until I was wheeled into the operating theatre (I have a feeling the nurses thought I was a total looney but it worked for me, whereas the tranquilising pills they gave me didn’t). I had two operations this year and might even have a third (minor) one, so a bit of an anaesthetic junkie.
Jelena xx
Hi Clarey
I am scared too and due to have Mast and LD flap recon on Saturday 1 Dec and just want for it all to go away right now. I have allergies and low bp and pulse so the anasth scares the hell out of me but these guysngals are so well qualified and experienced that you and I will be fine, lets keep telling ourselves that as much as we can maybe that will help appease our fears.
Cecelia you just really helped me out there, I am s**t scared of making a fool of myself going down to theatre and it helps to know I would not be the only one to cry, I just am scared that I will be yelling at them and worse.
Hi Clarey
I can’t believe it I hit the send and had not said what I really wanted to and that is that I wish you all the very best sweetie, you will be fine and will have won the first battle with this damned thing.
Keep smiling