Recovery after permanent implant op?

I am due to have my temp expander replaced in the next few months and I wondered if anyone could give me some ball park time frames of how long it took them to get over the 2nd op?

My dr says it will be quicker than the last op but not sure if that means days, weeks or months!


I can’t help, sorry Snowie, as I had an immediate recon. Just bumping!
Angelfalls xx

Hi Snowie - for me it was much quicker recovery than first op. I was in hospital for an overnight then out. Was off work for 2 weeks but could probably have gone back sooner however doc advised to stay off to let it settle. Minimal need for painkillers this time around. Altogether much much better than first time - hope it is for you too.

ps check out the driving situation with your insurance.

I had an implant last year as my LD flap recon had shrunk was an overnight stay and back to normal after a week apart from heavy lifting which was a few weeks. no painkillers used
lol Rehana Louise

thanks for the reassurance.Just spoke to my support nurse and she said 2 weeks too. Something to look forward to!
thanks for the tip re insurance.
