Recovery Time


I was diagnosed with pre-cancer cells (DCIS) three months ago and earlier this month I had a mastectomy along with 4 nodes begin removed.  I’ve been getting better gradually but wondered if anyone had any thoughts on how long it might take to be back at work?  It will be 4 weeks tomorrow since the surgery, I also had 2 previous surgeries for the same thing.

Thank you




Hello jek60,

Thank you for your post.

We’re sorry to read about your diagnosis. We want you to know that we are here for you. You can reach us on freephone 0808 800 6000.

There are two boards which you might find useful. You can post in the DCIS/LCIS or Work, finance and travel sections of the Forum where other people will share their experience with you.

Sending you our warmest wishes,


jek60 - I would certainly have been fit to go back to a sedentary job, 4 weeks later following my mast, but not to a physically demanding job, eg. nursing, physiotherapy, podiatry. Much depends on whether you’ve been diligent with your exercises to regain your muscle strength back asap, so for such works, perhaps another 2 - 3 weeks. All coupled with how you’re feeling mentally with it all.

Hope you’re doing/recovering well. xxx