Recurrence breast cancer X 2

i am was diagnosed in 2013 with triple neg breast cancer , had mastectomy then 3 week later found a lump in same area , it was cancer so had it removed then chemo and radiotherapy. 18 months later found another lump , this is grade 3 triple neg , the same as before . I had it removed 3 weeks ago. Do you normally have chemo after this, the surgeon was talking about watch and wait as a option . I am not sure about this.


Hi Charm, 

I am sorry you have been going through this difficult and anxious time. I am sure some of our users will be showing their support soon. 

I have moved your post to the Chemotheraphy board, as this is a busy and active board where I am sure some of users will answer and share their stories.

In the meantime please do give our support line a ring at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to offer a friendly ear and talk to you about your options.

Best wishes,


Digital Community Assistant