Recurrence of hardening scar tissue after lumpectomy and radiotherapy

I was just wondering if anyone has experienced hardening of scar tissue and heavy breast 3 months after radiotherapy. I had 2 operations for DCIS and micro-invasion followed by 4 weeks of RT. My breast was doing really well and had started to really soften and I was feeling brilliant until earlier this week when I became extremely stressed and anxious due to an issue with my parents in law (caused by mother in laws drink problem) and now I feel back to square one!! My breast has swollen up, is very hot, heavy and hard - leaving me feeling v down and so worried of recurrence. 

Many help or advice would be great, thanks so much xxx

Hi hla1972


sorry to hear you have the anxiety gremlins back again.  I am 11 month on from rads and 12 month on from surgery.  A month ago 2 weeks prior to my first mammo I felt similar to yourself albeit no stress, not that I can think of anyway.  By boob looked swollen, was hot to touch so rang bcn nurse and went to see her straight away. Turns out I had a post surgery infection.  11 month on.  Had ultra sound and was informed I had hardening of scar tissue but all ok.   2 x courses of antibiotics and now all good again.  Might be worth giving your bcn nurse a call to get checked out.  It could be a bit of fluid build up also.   I am no consultant or doctor but just reading your thread and symptoms seemed same as mine so though would just mention to get checked out.    Take care. Xxx