Recurrence or new primary

I was diagnosed and treated for early tnbc 10 years ago and been ok
I found a lump in the same breast a month ago and after scans and biopsy have been told I have an oestrogen positive lump when I saw my surgeon yesterday
However my surgeon says this could still be a recurrence of my tnbc which has ‘ changed its spots’ he’s prescribed me letrozole
Im having a ct scan to check for spread as I also had thyroid cancer 30 years ago
I’ve been told if the breast cancer has spread my surgeon will not do a mastectomy and I’ll need systemic treatment ( chemo ?)
So im worrying about this scan and my appointment on 18 th December when I’ll get my results of the ct
Im so tired of feeling anxious, not told all my adult kids yet until i get a plan
Not eating well, can’t face proper meals but feel im not looking after myself healthily
Thanks for reading, anyone else had this ?
Any thoughts?
Thanks Sue x


You’re bound to be anxious. The waiting for scans and results is very hard especially when you thought you’d put it behind you.
I had a new primary in the same breast I’d had a lumpectomy for 17 years previously just last January. I had to wait like you after the discovery and the biopsy- for a CT and then results. In the event mine was a new primary Stage 2 and I had mastectomy and hormone treatment. I had another wait for Oncodx results as the blighter was Grade 3.
What helps? Distraction: favourite films; hugs from loved ones; dogs and cats ( for me! Idk for you); lavender baths; relaxation exercises on Spotify/ Amazon and retreating sometimes under a WEIGHTED BLANKET! ( With a hot chocolate and mag/book.) Can’t recommend the blankets highly enough to help anxiety. No shares, lol!
Wishing you all the best; I hope its a new er+ primary like mine. ( If you have to have the bloody disease.)
Margarita xx

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Thanks so much for your reply Margarita
I suppose they won’t know the full story until it’s removed
Unless of course there is spread yikes
Take care xx

I am glad I found you again. This is a dreadful time for you, the waiting and testing time. It somehow makes it tougher because of Christmas and your appointment being on the 18th.
Try really hard to tempt yourself with your favourite foods, mine was porridge! You deserve to be looked after and you are the only one who can do that at the moment. Anxiety on a daily basis can make you so tired so try and rest more than usual as well…but is such a natural reaction. Also, decide how you want to be treated as oncologists will listen more than ever to individual choices. Macmillan helpline and Breast Cancer Now helpline are brilliant in letting you mull over how you want to deal with this. Look after yourself and thinking of you. xx

Ah thanks norfolkfred for your lovely thoughtful words
I am just wondering and waiting and hoping
I went out for lunch with my son today which was lovely
I’ll keep you posted on progress
I’ve no noticeable side effects from the letrozole so hopefully it’s doing it’s work
Wishing you every good wishes
Sue x