recurrence I know we all worry about it comming back but how many people who started with DCIS has had it back? In the same side or in the other side? Is it something we should woory about? I know the docs think not but it is hard to believe them!
Just thought I would start a new topic after reading the other posts on this site. A lot of us worry about it coming back even though to some extent I suppose the initial diagnosis could have been worse!!!
All the best
Hi Jacks I did post this on the “lets introduce ourselves” section but it seems to have disappeared?
My aunt who was 41 when she was diagnosed with dcis did have her cancer come back, however, hers was invasive when she was diagnosed so it had already spread. Plus she left it a whole YEAR before she went to the doctors in the first place. She had to have chemo to shrink the tumour before her mastectomy. Her cancer came back just after she finished tamoxifen, but she left it a long time again before seeing the doctors, and by then it was in her liver and her bone marrow, and she died aged 46.
Mum was diagnosed in 2003 with dcis (not invasive) had a bilateral mastectomy and so far seems to be doing very well.
I am worried though that she has not had any other treatment, especially as there is a genetic factor in her case, although her risk factor is now less than 10% of a recurrence as they can’t guarantee getting all of the breast tissue ( it was 80+% before hand).
When mum was first diagnosed she was told she was at higher risk of the cancer coming back, which was why she opted for the mastectomies.
I hope you get some more replies.
Best wishes
Is it coming back? I had no lumps, bumps or family history. I did put a question on the forum once asking what the chances were of it coming back - but there was no response. I think we know for some it does - we just don’t know who.
Ultimately as Clint Eastwood would say (was it him or Scharwz) Do you feel lucky? The answer must depend on the way you feel and whether your life thus far has given you a reasonable hand. So I think I’m going to get it again, and then I always feel guilty for being so ungrateful because it could be far worse (secondarys, IBC), and this is a second chance. I think in reality what I would want is a card that states when I will die and what I will die of, and then I can get on with the living.
Someone told me that it takes at least 2 years to get back to ‘normal’. I think that may well be true, because although I am doing all the usual things I do not feel quite myself inside, in fact ~I suppose I would describe it as feeling slightly out of synch. Anyone know what I mean. I’ll stop rambling on now…
— “although I am doing all the usual things I do not feel quite myself inside”
that’s exactly how I feel! I’ve passed 1 year of diagnosis, 1 year of 1st op, 1 year of mastectomy is coming up next month.
But every day you are reminded of what has happened to you, so really it will never go away.
Mole is away at the moment, she always has an answer on statistics. She did answer me on the old site, but all that information is gone now, shame.
Hi anne …I’m am rather hoping that over time the gaps between thinking about it will become longer. But I have to admit reading some of the other posts sometimes is very scary, and makes me feel rather a wimp. Sometimes I think I should not go on this site anymore because of the really bad experience of other’s, makes me feel a bit of a fraud. I think it’s very difficult to make a ‘decision’ about how you are going to be affected by it. If I could I would. I suppose now I just accept how I feel and hope that that bit inside will heal.
rambling on again and again…