Recurring breast cysts

I am waiting for my 3rd Breast Clinic appointment in a year, having had scans, mammograms and FNA on several large cysts at the last two appointments. I had my first routine mammogram in Jan 2015 which was clear and the cysts started in the September, out of nowhere. I’m virtually convinced this time that it is just cysts, having driven myself crazy with worry the last two times. My last FNA was very painful as I had multiple cysts and the radiographer had a job getting to them.

This time, 6 months later, I have some thickening (description given by GP - which I haven’t had before) and a small lump above my nipple in my left breast (always the left!) and a smaller lump under the nipple. The latter was there on my last appointment but although could be felt (like a tiny grain of rice), could not be seen on mammogram or US so I was told it was nothing. It has now got bigger. Since my GP referral I have noticed some pain in my right armpit and a tiny lump there also.

I’m so relieved that it has just been cysts and hoping for the same this time obviously but I’m finding it so draining emotionally. The GPs and clinic just say it’s ‘one of those things’ and offer no advice or possible solutions. I am 49, no idea if I’m in the menopause (!) and have a Mirena coil - so no periods as such. I have found these forums so reassuring over the last year! I wondered if anyone has similar experience or could offer any advice? x

Hi Luna17, 

I am sorry you are going through this anxious time and I am sure some users will be along soon to offer their support. 

In the meantime please do call our helpline at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about the cysts and offer a friendly ear. The opening hours are below. 

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Wednesday 9am-7pm
Saturday, 9am-1pm

Best wishes, 


Hi Luna,when is your appointment ?Hope you get your mind out at rest soon .

Thanks for replying. I had my appointment and it was cysts as I suspected and hoped. Apparently lots of them but only 2 could be aspirated. I came home feeling drained and still with the 2 lumps I originally went to Gp with, which I’m assuming are cysts as nothing else was seen on scan. Although I was told there’s nothing I can do (but keep going back when I find a lump) I am going to make an appointment with GP to discuss menopause, coil and hormones. Still no further forward but very relieved obviously. xxx

good that it is cysts but hard that you don’t feel it has been completely resolved.