Red patch - inflammatory fears

Hi all

I am 48, just over a month ago I noticed a painless red patch on my breast. I watched it for a few weeks and the patch has slowly grown in size, currently size of a large coin (sort can’t think what else to compare it to). Went to GP who did exam, no swelling, itching or lumps or other concerns, she gave me a fungal cream & thinks it’s nothing but also referred me to breast clinic when I explained my family history.
My mother was diagnosed with IBC in her late 40s and died at 51, followed a few year later by her sister and mother. I attend yearly mammograms as a result via genetics clinic.

I am suddenly so aware of everything my mother went through. Swinging between berating myself for being silly over a red patch and potentially wasting the clinics time… and then thinking it’s inevititably bad news & history repeating itself…

Just waiting for my referral apmnt in the post, seems to be taking ages but I guess Christmas and New Year hasn’t helped. Have decided i’ll call the clinic if no apmnt in Friday’s post…