Reduced LVEF

Hi can I ask has anyone experienced a reduced LVEF? 

I’ve been on Herceptin and Pertuzumab since October and so far had 11 cycles. Had my 3rd echo today - first and second one 60%, today 50% 

Doctor has said I can have the next 3 cycles, but will then have a repeat echo and be seen in clinic. 




Mine is holding steady just under 60 at the moment started at 62. Hope that you stabilize, wishing you well x

Hello, yes very common but if you atke supplements it will come back up. See here:


Hi Butterflyflyfree - Yes mine dropped to 54% - I was put on ramipril - it worked and I’ve been able to finish all 12 months of herceptin last Thursday!  Yippee! 


I am still on the ramipril awaiting a final Echo and discussion with onc in August as to if/when I can come off them.  





I had 18 herceptin treatments starting june/july 2016 to September 2017. I started off getting mugga heart scans, my lvf dropped around my 6th herceptin. Referred to cardiology, was borderline for heart tablets but was reluctant as I’m on many other meds. Herceptin suspended for around 8 weeks, changed to echo scans and lvf increased just by having a break from the Herceptin. Had echo scans after every 3rd or 4th herceptin at my request and managed to complete all 18. Had to change from injection to IV as I developed a reaction on both thighs but it wasn’t a problem and overall time spent at hospital was actually quicker on IV. I just took them one at a time, after each one I thought “Well, that’s another one under my belt”. Oncologists words were “No point in curing you of cancer then killing you with a heart attack”. He also said that “18 was just a figure plucked out of the air”. He is held in very high esteem in his field and I trust him completely. He is also involved in a lot of research/lab work and when I asked him about the Persephone trial which trialled 9 versus 18 herceptin treatments (the results are now out, mentioned in a thread further down) he said “there was not much in it in his opinion”. He was correct, although further research is still to be done the results so far are that the benefits of having 18 over 9 are less than one per cent.


Good luck with the rest of your treatment.

Hi I have just finished 3rd herceptin, have a 4th after that.On letrozo l also. Asked bcn if I would be having surgery but she said not at the moment they will have to see if things are stable first. I am her positive  . Would like to know if anyone is in or been in a similar situation . 

Just had my 4th echo get results on Tuesday prior to 9th Herceptin…half way nearly. Hope you are all doing ok x