Referal to breast clinic

Hi Sharon

I am so pleased for you - what brilliant news just before christmas. Now, as you say you can concentrate your attention on your mum. She is very lucky to have you there for her.

Thank you for your good wishes Sharon - off for my second chemo this morning - so will no doubt be slumped on the sofa for the nexy few days if the last one is anything to go by !!

I hope you and your family have a great christmas, and all the very best for 2008!

Margaret x

O Sharon, I am so delighted to hear your good news and like Margaret said you can concentrate on your Mum now and also Christmas. I hope you have a good one.

Teacup xx

Hi Sharon, I hope you don’t mind me responding to your post. I am so pleased that you have had such great news and I hope that you and your family have had agreat Christmas.

I found a lump and went to my GP on Monday last week and was then at the hospital on Christmas Eve where I had an ultrasound and a core biopsy but I don’t get my results until 2nd Jan. I am so scared as you must have been but fingers crossed that all will be okay.


To 100gupis

wishing you all the best today

For sharonjane:

I’m so pleased you got reassuring news but just wanted to sound a word of caution:

Has your breast clinic suggested a follow up appointment in say 3 months time? If not, I think they should have done because ‘keeping an eye on things’ is very vague. Have you been given any explanation for the nipple discharge and pain in your armpit? Lumpy breast tissue in itself wouldn’t cause this.

I also left a breast clinic overjoyed in March 2003 but was diagnosed with cancer 7 months later. I had absolute trust in the consultant who had actually misdiagnosed me (he was subesquently 4 years later found guilty of professional misconduct). Such mistakes are not common but they do happen more often than I realised. I’m not wanting to frighten you…just offering a little bit of the wisdom of hindsight.

So I’d say insist on a further appointment in 3 months, earlier if your symptoms persist.

Hope your mum’s treatment plan goes well.

best wishes
