Saw my GP today following pain in armpit and pulling in side of breast. GP has felt thickening of tissue in right breast and has noted swelling, also change in nipple and had discharge a couple of weeks ago. GP has referred me urgently to breast clinic, help! what happens now??? I’m 43 and my mother has recently undergone surgery for breast and lymphatic cancer.
Hi Sharonjane
Sorry you are having to go through this. It’s hard to comment on what will happen in individual cases, but our breast clinic run a ‘one-stop’ shop where they carry out all tests ie mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy as required - results are given following all the tests. Hopefully you will not have to wait too long for the appt but in the meantime I’m sure you’re GP could advise you on the procedure that will be followed? Alternatively you could try ringing the helpline here and chat to someone who ha been through it.
Take care and let us know how you get on
Margaret x
Hi sharonjane
Welcome to the forums, Breast Cancer Care has a really helpful and informative leaflet which you may find useful to read whilst you are waiting for other users to share their experiences. I have given the link here:
Best wishes
Breast Cancer Care
Thank you for the leaflet which I found really helpful!
Thank you too Margaret for your kind response. I have decided not to tell my mum about the referral as she has only recently had her op and I am going with her to see her consultant tomorrow for the results.
I will keep you posted.
Best Wishes
Hi Sharon
I understand completely where you are coming from in not telling your mum just yet. However, please do make sure that you get the support you need. Perhaps once your mum has her results and has a clear treatment plan it will be easier to discuss your own predicament?
Thinking of you both and good luck for tomorrow
Margaret x
Hi Ladies
I’m new here, I hope you don’t mind me posting? Sharon I fully understand you trying to ‘protect’ your mum, besides when we say it out loud it brings fear into my heart. I have recently been referred, I FINALLy got my date for the clinic…11th december. I have been informed that they don’t do mammograms on Tuesdays, so I will have a consultation only, which will take about 2-3 hours, so your guess is as good as mine on that one. I do hope your mum is okay, and I sincerely hope that you get the support you deserve.
Gil & Margaret
Thank you so much for your supportive messages. Gil, good luck for Tuesday! I found the link passed on by the moderator extremely helpful. Not too sure what will happen, but have an idea it may be a one stop shop, so hopefully I won’t have to wait too long.
I really hope things go well for you
Take Care
Just thought I’d let you know. Mum saw the consultant yesterday for a post op follow up. The good news is the lumpectomy was successful, and only one of the 14 lymph nodes had cancerous cells, so she is now set to start a three week course of radiotherapy after Christmas.
Just me now! The hardest thing was, mum said she would rather it was her and not me. I really hope I never have to tell her about my referral and that I really have nothing to worry about.
Hi Sharon,
Great news about your Mum, and I know it’s so hard not telling her about you yet. Hopefully your news will be good. Have you been given a date yet?
Thinking of you
x x x
Hi Sharon
That’s great news - so pleased for your mum.
Let’s hope that you get some good news too!
Keep us posted
Margaret x
Thank you both!
No date through yet. Will call GP if nothing received tomorrow as he has put this through as urgent and said I should hear something by the end of this week! Will keep you posted, and thak you so much for your support. At the risk of sounding self pitying, I had to nip to the loo yesterday whilst we waited to see mum’s consultant, for a good cry! Pathetic I know, I should feel optimistic following mum’s good news! What with mum’s diagnosis, losing my father in law, being told we have a slim chance of conceiving following a low sperm count diagnosis of my husband, and now this, I really can’t wait for this year to be over!!
Sharon x
aww Sharon - of course you’re not pathetic. It’s good that you can cry - was probaby a mixture of relief for your mum and worry for yourself.
I would certainly give your GP a ring if you haven’t heard anything tomorrow - urgent referrals where I am are seen within the week (I’m in the scottish borders).
You do appear to have had a pretty grotty 2007 - so here’s hoping you get some good news to take you through to 2008!!
Margaret x
Hi Ladies
Have my appointment through for Tues 18th Dec. Gil, I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow, please let me know how you get on???
Margaret, thank you for your kind message, I’m a bit roller coaster with feelings at the moment! one minute I’m quite positive the next I’m getting down. I reallly hope Gil gets on well tomorrow!!!
Sharon x
Morning all
Gil - good luck for tomorrow xxxx please let us know how you get on
Sharon - the rollercoaster feeing is how most describe both the waiting period and any subsequent treatment (which let’s hope you won’t be needing!) so you aren’t alone there. The 18th wil be here before you know it, and at least then you will know what’s what.
Take care
Margaret x
Hello Ladies
Has anyone heard from Gil? I know her appointment with the consultant was Tuesday.
Sharon x
Well it’s the day before my appointment, and I’m trying to keep my mind occupied. I spoke to my mum last night, and she is doing very well, I really hope I never have to tell her about tomorrow!!! My husband thinks I may be keeping something from him, but I have been completely open about everything to do with the referral and also what the GP told me. The more I try to convince him the worse it feels!!!
just want to say good luck for tomorrow
love galen x
Oh extra good luck for tomorrow Sharon - I hope everything goes ok - please keep us posted.
I’ve just has bloods checked ready for 2nd Chemo on Wednesday, so hopefully everything will be ok and it go ahead as planned!
take care x
Margaret x
Hi Margaret / Galen
Thanks so much for your support! Margaret, good luck for Weds, will be thinking of you! I’ll post on Weds morning! Here’s hoping!!!
Sharon X
Hi everyone
I had good news at the breast clinic yesterday. The ultrasound showed very lumpy breast tissue but nothing sinister or untoward, and the consultant advised to just keep an eye on things. I feel so lucky and so relieved!!! I want to thank everyone on this forum for your help and support. I now never have to tell my mum and I can focus completely on giving her the love / care and attention this very brave and inspiring lady , my mum, so very much deserves.
Margaret, I wish you all the luck in the world with your continued treatment, I know how difficult this time is for you, but you are a wonderfully kind and caring lady who deserves all the love and support through this.
Love and very best wishes for Christmas and 2008!
Sharon x