Referel to the Marsden

I havr just refered myself to the Marsden in London.
I have a long history of breast cancer(re History) which is now called Advanced Metastatic Carcinoma of the right breast.
For the last eight years we have managed it with chemo and other pallative care. I have in the last three years tried three different types of chemo.Taxatere, tykerb/capcitabie and vinoralbine all have made me very ill and have been stopped after a few cycles. I have no complants about the treatment I have been given and have been felt part of the team involed in my treatment plan. I have just spent a couple of weeks in hospital with a fever for which they could find no reason.
I have now desided,to ask for the Marsden to look at my case with a new eye, as all that was on offer locally was more chemo with a wait and see outlook. I do however feel disloyal to the team that has kept me alive for the last twenty years. Has anyone else ahd these same feelings.
Or has info about referels that could be useful.
Take care Onetit

Hi there

A good oncology team should welcome your wish to be referred to one of the top cancer hospitals and will not see this as betrayal. (though some doctors can be a bit precious.)

The Marsden may well just confirm that your local team is rceommending the best option, or they may ask you to consider taking part in one of their trials( including Phase 1 trials.) or suggest anotehr course of treatment.

It seems perfectly reasonable to me that you get a second opinion…maybe if you ‘confessed’ your feelings ot your local team you’d feel more OK about it.

I am thinking of getting a referral myself to the Marsden…because I have nearly run out of chemo options, (and kind of feel I ‘should’) though may not want to go the route of trials, but I think I just want to talk to someone else about what the options are.

very best wishes



I had a referral to the London Marsden last November. My local onc referred me when I asked him to.

I have Inflammmatory breast Cancer and have had two local recurrences, the second of which was being kept under control with hormonals until March of this year. It was at this point that the Marsden stepped in and I am now on one of their chemo trials, back tomorrow in fact for my 3rd cycle.

At my initial appt The Marsden confirmed that I had had the best of treatment so far and wanted to continue to see me alongside my local team.
This really pleased me as I trust my local onc completely, he has, I believe, literally saved my life and just the fact that he has been with me from the beginning comforts me.

I am sure there will be no problems continuing with your local team alongside the Marsden team.

Very best of luck,
Jackie x

Thanks for the input.
I feel better today. Sometimes you just need to have what you have been thinking confirned by other people. I have days when it is all alittle overwhelming.
The sun shine always makes me smile…heres to more sunny days for everyone. I’ll keep you posted as to the outcome…and thanks again. Take care
Onetit x x x x

i am also considering asking for a referral to the Marsden. I do have great confidence in my oncologist but I am now on my third chemo in nearly 2 years since my secondaries were diagnosed and the hormone based drugs eg Arimidex and Megace seem to do nothing to halt it. The scans this time showed greater progression to other organs , I 'm keeping my fingers crossed for the Xeloda but think another view can’t hurt

I have just heard that the oncologist that I am going to see at the Marsden is called Stephen Johnson. I do not have a date yet but I have looked him up on the web and he seems to be the perfect person for me.
Has anyone been to see this gentleman? I will keep you posted.
Hugs around x x x x x

Hi - I see Steve Johnston - he is lovely - a real gentleman, great bedside manner, always has time for you, will tell you as much or as little as you want. He is the top breast man at the Marsden - he works from both the Fulham and Sutton sites.

Good luck


I too am ‘under’ Steve Johnston and yes he is very good - as are all his team. I see him at the Sutton site.


Yep I see Steve Johnston at the London Marsden. Brilliant!!

Good Luck
Jackie xx

Thankyou for all your comments. I seemed to be seeing the right guy. Keep you posted.
love Onetit