Referral by GP.. So worried

Sending good luck to you all going for tests this week, fingers crossed for the right outcome but if not then we are here to help and show you that this is doable and you will cope! Xxx 

Hi all, been to the hospital and I had an ultra sound scan done and was told it’s fibroadenoma, I also had a biopsy done just to be sure that it is fibroadenoma and it wasn’t sore or painful at all, I had googled the biopsy before just to prepare myself and I was terrified of getting it done but it was a piece of cake, thank u all for your lovely and kind words it means so much, I should get my results next Thursday or Friday, I feel so much more relieved after being to the hospital :relaxed: Xx

Ahh thank God!!! I am sooooo pleased for you love. Let’s hope it goes well next week with results, am sure it will it’s good that they are so precautious! Let’s hope I have the same on Friday. XxxxX.

Thank you, fingers crossed for next week, doc said he won’t remove the lump as it tends to go away on it’s own! my breast is a little bit tender and I do have some bruising. You’ll be fine on Friday Twisty be positive and think positive and we are all here no matter what, I have your back ? ? good luck for tomorrow Nix28R sending positive thoughts to you also, be strong ? xx

Nix, I’m thinking of you honey. You’re nearly there and I’m right behind you on Friday. Let’s support one another. Please let me know how you get in tomorrow. Positive thoughts and hugs your way. XxxxxX. ?

Hi everyone I’m new to this forum I’m 32 have a little boy 17 months and I have been referred to the breast clinic got a lump on my right breast been there over 7 months just been so busy and kept an eye on it but now it’s getting bigger so when gp today expecting a phone call from the secatary so gp asked me to keep my phone on tomorrow worrying times :frowning:

Thinking of you today. Please let us know how you get on. XxxX.

Can’t bear this bloody wait!!! Had to har a glass of wine and my lovely hubby is really annoying me with everything he is saying and doing. I’m just scared?

It’s a horrible time.Maybe have another glass of wine to zonc you out ,whatever the outcome you will feel better than being in this horrible state of anxiety and not knowing.

Thank you… Why are you so lovely? I can’t thank you girls enough, I’ve never met or spoke to any of you, yet at one of the scariest time in my entire life you are here supporting me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart…X.

Oh Nix, I’m so glad you’ve messaged. Been thinking and waiting all day. How frustrating for you though, I don’t know what to say… You now have another anxious wait. I am thinking of you and thank you for your hug. Night night honey, try and sleep well. X.

OMG OMG ???just come out and I’m ok!!! Got to have yearly mammograms though and has referred me for genetic testing as my mum, grandmother, and two aunts had it they are concerned and want to see if I’m carrying this gene. If I am we will deal with it!! But the good news is I haven’t got cancer!! Thank you so very much. XxxxxxxxxxX.

Great news Twisty!! ??? Nix best of luck with your biopsy results xxx

Thanks ladies, will still be checking in here to support you girls! My boobs are really sore though. Is that normal after mammogram? They had to squeeze hard as I have implants (had to have reconstruction work done 10 years ago as was attacked). XxxX.

Brilliant news twisty I’m so please for u…!!! :heart:? Xxx

Thanks Cole. XxxxxX.

Thank you. Monday for me, can’t come quick enough, just rather know now either way. X

Great news Twisty.Large glass of wine deserved!!!

Thanks Jobey. XxxX. Still thinking of Kezza and Nix and am here to support. X.

Thank you so much xx