Referral by GP.. So worried

Hi, just looking for some reassurance or words of wisdom from anyone with a similar experience.
I am 34 and have found a small (about 1cm) hard lump just below my nipple. It doesn’t move. GP has referred me to breast clinic for tests but my appointment is a full 2 weeks away (I know this is the accepted timeframe but seems ages away).
I’m terrified, I have a 5 year old and 8 month old and can tell but think the worst and get upset. I’ve read that your risk is slightly higher within a year of giving birth (I will stop. Googling now though!) .
Has anyone had a similar sounding experience?
Thanks ?

Hi Kerry, yes please try not to google, a lot of the info is dated or American! I know this is such a scary time but you have done the right thing getting yourself checked out, chances are all will be well but it needs investigating and if it is anything then it will be dealt with, try not to spend your days second guessing and try and keep to business as usual until you have any reason not to, time will pass quicker that way Xx Jo 

Thank you Jo, I know you are right. I definitely will stop googling. Xx

Hi, I’m 26 years old and I found my lump in the shower on Christmas Eve, I tried to put it off but eventually went to the doctors 1 to 2 weeks later and have now been referred to the breast clinic, I have my appointment for the 3rd of Feb which is great as the wait is killing me, I’m googling everything!! the lump it’s self doesn’t move and about a year ago I had weird leakage stains on my top like yellow and red stains, I did go to the docs and took my top with me to show them but they said it was nothing, now I’m worried as to what to expect. I’ve only just built up the courage to join this site after reading other peoples stories, I haven’t told anyone about my lump apart from my partner! Anyone had this ? or any words of reassurance would be great. :relaxed: X

Hi Cole1989, sending positive thoughts, hope all goes well on the 3rd X

Thanks very much guys it really means a lot, it just feels good to talk to other people that can relate to it as when I speak with my partner about it he doesn’t understand what am going through but is really supportive of me and he’s coming to my appointment with me also, I really appreciate it thanks again! I’m glad I found the courage to join and speak up. X

Hi there, I am new here :slight_smile: I had my doctors appointment yesterday as I found two lumps, one in each breast but almost symmetrical although one is pea sized and doesn’t hurt and the other is like a small seed. I am 42 and my mum had it (still alive) 20 years ago.

I in the two week period now and am waiting for that call/letter with an appointment.  So many questions… do you find out that day if it’s ‘c’??

If it is will I be able to go through treatment and hide it from my teenage daughter about to sit her GCSE’s?? Also it is fixable right?? Someone help me please…

I am scared but feeling positive, surely this won’t kill me???

Hi Twisty, the waiting is a scary time and your mind will wander all over the place but try to just focus on one thing at a time, get to your appointment first and then take it from there, they often can tell you if it is or isnt BC on the day but sometimes they will need to do a biopsy to be sure which will be a week or so wait.You would be able to hide radiotherpy as there are no outward signs, just try and slow down and deal with one stage at a time and yes this is fixable, im a year on almost and consider myself fixed! Xx Jo

Dear Jo, I am crying as I type… You have no idea how much your message has helped me. I came home to my appointment, it’s on the 11th!! I feel more positive knowing I can fix it and hide it from my daughter. I think this forum is going to be an immense help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Do you mind if I ask your story? XxxxX.

Thank you so very very much. XxxX well done and congratulations on being fixed. What is radiotherapy though??


i have been sat reading through all your posts as I have been referred by my GP. I found a lump over a month ago, very small & it feels like a marble/pea. Last week my armpit started to ache and felt like I had a lump in the way. After feeling around there is a large oval shaped lump. I went to my DRs last Wednesday where she confirmed my breast lump & also a larger one in my other breast. She had a feel under my arms for glands but said they weren’t up. I got my referral through and am there Thursday 4th. To say I’m worried is an understatement. I constantly feel sick and have butterflies all day. I keep thinking having the lump under my arm is screaming bad news. I’m 26 and have 2 small children, a 3yr old & 13 month old. Reading through all your posts has helped SO much and given me the strength to write my own. I’m hoping I find out on the day but till then I can only let my mind wonder :frowning:

thanks for reading.

Jo is right honey. I’m waiting on my appointment, it’s Friday. It’s agonising waiting and my boobs are so sore where I keep prodding. Try and take each day as it comes and be positive. X.
I have a lump in both breasts in the same place and am hoping that is a good sign. Any ideas anyone??? They are hard lumps

Good luck ladies with your appointments,try and remember that most breast lumps are nothing to be worried about,but if they are breast cancer,it is very treatable for the majority of women diagnosed and there have been and still are massive advances being made in the treatment of BC all the time .

Thanks Jill. X. ?

Hi, I hope both your appointments goes well, I have my appointment tomorrow so fingers crossed all is ok! I’m glad you found the strength to come on here as it has helped me knowing I am not alone, think positive? sending hugs to both of u xx

Good luck Cole,horrible time .hopefully you will get good news .

Please promise you will come on and let us know? I will be thinking of you… Whatever news we get, we have to face it head on and deal with it. We can do this. ???xxxx.

Thank you Jill and all who have replied. I am feeling a bit more positive after being a total mess last week. Good luck to all of you waiting for appointments, please let us know how you get on. X

Thank u very much, I promise I’ll let u all know how I get on tomorrow, my appointment is at 9:05am so up bright and early.! we can and we all will get through this together ? lots of hugs and I’ll speak to u all tomorrow at some point, goodnight xx

Ok honey, I’ve got you today!! Sending strength your way sister!! We can and will conquer whatever it is, I just know it. XxxxxX. ???