Referral - painful and worried.

I hardly know where to start with this because I’m embarrassed to say that we are talking about a 5/6 year timescale here, but I will try my best. About this time, I thought I felt a small pea in my right breast and was scared so put it to the back of my mind. It did seem to change shape and then started being painful, and the more it pained the more I prodded. Following other aches in my ribs, I visited the GP in May 2005 in a state of frenzy and she very gently felt my breasts and armpits but felt nothing of any concern. However, due to other factors she felt I had a gallstone! She then suggested a better fitting bra.
I was referred for a scan for the gallstone and she was right, so I had my gallbladder removed in the summer of 2006. After this time, the pain in my breast did not seem as bad and despite the now thickening area in my breast I thought ‘no problem, Dr says it’s ok.’
Over the last few months, the pain is worse than ever and is up in my shoulder so to cut the story as short as I can, while I was having a smear today, the nurse agreed to check my breast and agreed that she could feel a thickening not present in the left breast, so she got the Dr. He felt both breasts extremely thoroughly and said he could feel nothing (just to add here I have a large bust, 36EE/F). The nurse said she could feel it so he has referred me, but he did say he is convinced I have nothing to worry about!!
I obviously have told myself that surely this would have come to a head before now in this timescale and the Dr agreed, but of course I’m worrying myself stupid now. At times, the pain is really quite bad, but it’s not constant 100% of the time and there’s no period pattern to it. HELP?

hey pollie, sorry youv been having these problems. at least the doc is refering you so even if it is nothing it should put your mind at ease. when you have larger breasts it can be alot harder to tell, strange that the nurse felt it and not the doc though. breast cancer isnt usually painful, the pea sized lump may have been a cyst or something -has that gone now? coz they couldnt feel that? im sure if it was something serious and its been quite a few years, you would have known ie turned into big lump etc.

Thanks Lizzy, no the pea seemed to develop into a thickened area which the nurse could feel and I can always feel, but the Dr said he couldn’t. When I lie down, it’s a thick bumpy area, probably about 1 inch long but not very wide and very painful.

Hi Pollie

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums where I am sure you will continue to receive lots of support and information from your fellow users.

You might be interested in one of our booklets which you may find helpful to read prior to your clinic visit as it contains information about what you can expect to happen at your appointment, you can read it via this link: … b_08_0.pdf

Please do call the helpline if you feel it would help to talk your concerns through with someone in confidence, the line is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm on 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes