Hi there,
Guess I’m on here for the same reason as yourself!
I am going to clinic on Tuesday which as been a very quick response.
My symptoms are a lump toward the top chest area of my right breast, brown discharge (with manipulation) breast change (larger) and my nipple doesn’t react the same way as my other breast. Has any one else had similar symptoms?
Feel fairly calm (surprisingly) but the frustration of waiting for the clinic to hopefully have an answer is driving me nuts!!
Thinking there will be a lot of similar feelings out there.
There… at least I got that bit off my chest if nothing else!
Hi Shrimper,
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care Discussion Forums. While you’re waiting for replies from other forum users I thought it might be helpful to post a link to the BCC publication ‘Referral to a breast clinic’:
Please do give the BCC Helpline a call if you need any additional support and information, tel 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.
With best wishes,
Anna, BCC Facilitator
Hi Shrimper, it’s quite normal to be referred to clinic very quickly for any breast lumps, doctors do err on the side of caution which is good. You’re now in a place we on here call the ‘waiting room’. This i think is one of the hardest things, u have so many thoughts roaming round your head & your imagination tends to run riot & it seems to take forever. We have all felt the same as you & it’s perfectly natural. Glad ur feeling fairly calm though & hopefully tues will be here before u know it. Let us know how u get on x
hi shrimper i to am in a similar situ but my first appt at clinic on monday. the stomach churning comes and goes, and the “WHAT IF” pops into ur head when u least expect it come rain, hail, or shine i will put a post in on monday wether gd or bad news i so hope and pray u r well x
Thank you for your comments.
I live on an island so have to travel over the day before for my appointment, stay in a B & B, have my appointment, stay in B & B again and then get the next flight home. So won’t be able to post anything until after then!
Meanwhile I intend to enjoy the weekend 
Wendywoo65 - Good luck for Monday - hope you have a good weekend 
hjv123 - Thank you for your kind comments. I guess I am in an emotional waiting room and that is a very good way of putting it.
Hi there,
just wanted to update you and let you know that I had my appointment at the One stop clinic and relieved to report that I have the all clear.
My thoughts are with those who are still in the ‘waiting room’ and in particular those who are not as fortunate as myself.
great news shrimper , really happy to hear that you have left the waiting room, and are not joining our gang … really pleased for you hunny xxx
BRILLIANT news, and I hope you have been able to celebrate!