Referral to fertility clinic for everyone?

Was just wondering if everyone pre menopausal and diagnosed with breast cancer gets a referral to a fertility clinic to preserve fertility? Or is this only done with patients where they know chemo is likely? Just wondering as you only sometimes know that after the oncotype score?

Preserving fertility emerges as a crucial aspect for individuals diagnosed with breast cancer before menopause, particularly when chemotherapy is anticipated in their treatment regimen. However, the determination to recommend patients to a fertility clinic is a personalized process, contingent upon multiple factors such as the individual’s age, the specific type of cancer, and the proposed treatment plan.

I was offered a referral to a fertility clinic at my diagnosis appointment (pre menopausal). You could ask your breast care nurse about the referral and whether appropriate for you? My BCN acted as a bit of a conduit between me and my consultant so worth checking out. The egg collection process was pretty quick too.

Take care