Referred for a ultrasound guided core biopsy..

Hi everyone


I had a mammogram on 5th June was then referred for ultrasound scan as 12mm irregularity classed as M3 seen.  I had the Ultrasound last night.  Doctor said could still not tell what it was - It is not a cyst, I now have to go back for an ultrasound guided core biospy.  They said it could be up to 3 weeks before I get the biopsy.


He spent a long time also scanning my axilla. Is that normal during a scan.

I could see the lump/mass on the scan easily.


I am trying to stay positive, but feel the waiting is getting me down. 

I had a fibriod adenoma in 2006 and I was seen and diagnosed on the same day.  I had the surgery within a month.


It is frustrating that everything seems to be taking such a long time this time round. 


Does anyone know how long it takes for the results from a core biopsy take to come back?

I have seen that some people have said they get them in a letter?


I am supposed to be going on holiday with my family on 2nd August.


I feel as though I cannot plan anything until I have a diagnosis.


Also with having a core biopsy am I ok to drive myself home afterwards?  I only had a FNA in 2006.


Many thanks fopr reading - any help or advice gratefully received.



I had a core biopsy a week ago. I get the results tomorrow - I have an appointment with the consultant at the hospital. I hope this helps - good luck and best wishes.

Hi, I’m under 50 & was randomly selected for a mammogram last month.  That was no problem, then I got called back as they had found ‘something’ calcium based so had normal biopsies but they failed to get any of this small lump.  Got called back in to discuss further tests, had to go back on Wednesday where I had 15 core biopsies - they mentioned different figures - 1, 2 and 2.5 - presume these are in centimetres and are the length of the core taken. 


I go back on 21st for results.  I’m not worried as such, I’ve got no-one to talk to & I’m so sore & bruised - just wanted to be somewhere where someone will understand!  Hope everyone else has had a good weekend.

Hi purplebunnie

Crumbs 15 core biopsies! That sounds an awful lot no wonder you are feeling a bit sore.

The support in this forum is fab. I am sure someone with more experience will jump in as well.

I am yet to have my core biopsy so you are a step ahead of me at the moment.

All the best for the 21st. I have read that ice packs can help with the soreness and bruising.

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