Referred for Microductectomy / Duct Excision scared and worried

Hello everyone


Never thought I’d find myself here, I suppose nobody does. About 4 weeks ago I noticed a speck of dry blood on my left nipple, when it was removed I had a very small amount of blood coming from the nipple so immediately went to my GP who referred me to my local breast clinic for checks. The next day the bleeding stopped and I noticed nothing more.


At the BC I had a mammogram which was clear. The doctor took swabs as when he gently squeezed my breast there was a very small a,punt of clear fluid. He took a swab which he put in a slide and sent for testing but said he would be happy to operate a sit and wait strategy and booked me an appointment for 6 weeks time to go back. However I then received a call telling me clinic had been changed and they were moving my appointment forward (which I thought was odd)


This morning I had my appointment and saw a consultant who said the results were inconclusive. They came back as 3 on the scale and that they felt further investigation would be required and within 10 minutes I was being whisked off to pre-assessment and being told they would be cutting behind my nipple to take further samples and possibly do a duct removal if there was any papilloma present.


i have been reading and googling all day and am now worried sick. Does this always happen so fast? Or does the speed at which they are doing this indicate that they are worried this is cancer? I have two small children and my mind is racing about what I would do if this meant something bad - I am a worrier anyway so this is all very stressful for me.


Im not really sure what im asking here but just wondered if anyone else has had this in the past and if their referral and surgery happened so quickly? 


Also what kind of questions should I be asking when I go back for the surgery? I was on my own today and was so shocked at the outcome I became quite teary and upset and really don’t think I asked enough questions because I couldn’t really think as my mind was racing so much. 


Thank you you for reading. I appreciate any replies and wish you all the best with your journeys to recovery.


Sorry to meet you here but its the right place to come for info and support. Maybe ring the BCC  helpline tomorrow, they will help you frame your questions,  and  maybe whipser in your ear to stand away from the google which only scrambles our brains and clutches our hearts!

And if you can find someone to go with you to clinics, I find it helps to have another pair of ears. 

Hope you get sorted and we all say to each other try not to worry, not easy, but try anyway,  girlie, with love Caroluna