After having my lump removed with clear margins I’ve decided the last minute to cancel my radiotherapy treatment. …simply have had enough and I really couldn’t face the trips every day for 3 weeks…it’s a big decision to make but my body my choice
Please reconsider- radiotherapy destroys any cancer cells lurking AND their DNA . It is absolutely key to long term survival and painless even if inconvenient
Wood, you are absolutely right that it is your body and your decision. I am, however, concerned that you have chosen to post that on here. I wonder if you are having second thoughts? I do understand your feeling of exhaustion and I had 30 sessions, but my hubby drove me there and was to all intents my caret, so I had nothing else to do but have treatment . Do you think your decision would be any different if you were in a better place? Have you discussed this with any of your medical team who could probably give you an indication or probability of chances of it returning. Having said that, you state that you have clear margins, so I’m assuming your status at the moment is NED. If that is so then I’m so pleased for you. Have a good rest, then get on with the rest of your life. ?? x
Wood, Hi! I am on my tod too and the thought of rads was daunting. But as hard as the slog was, as I got through the month it dawned on me that the effort was a huge insurance policy against that B****** coming back.
Chances are you will have a dedicated team treating you, so you get into a routine and it gets easier and easier. If your onc recommends rads, please think again. Your body, your choice, but I’d love to hear you have had a change of heart! Be kind to yourself. X
Hello. Just discovered this forum today and wanted to say I am having some of the same thoughts as you about proposed treatments. I live two hours from the hospital so weeks of rads was going to be difficult. Instead I was eligible for a clinical trial which involved one set up appointment, then three radiation treatments over three consecutive days…then finished. Perhaps something similar is available to you? This is the direction they are hoping to take rads in the future, thus the current clinical trial. I am actually more worried about the AI and Denosumab scheduled to start afterwards (systemic hormone treatment which has some serious side effects)! That’s the step they will have to try harder to convince me to take! But yes, ultimately your call, your life. Get all the info, perhaps try it (you can always stop), and decide what is right for you.
I’ve had a mastectomy, lymph node clearance and 7 sessions of chemo and today went to be measured up for radiotherapy. I had been told what to expect regarding side effects etc but asked one of the radiologists some more questions. The chemo was adjuvant and just in case anything had spread. I’ve also had Zolondronic acid and will be for the next 3 years as well as Letrozole.
The radiologist said that the radiation will take a small part of the top of the lungs and if I hold my breath it will avoid my heart. I had a weird pneumonia a few years ago. A medical paper has been written that states this particular pneumonia can be caused by radiation treatment for breast cancer. I am therefore very worried that any of this could cause my pneumonia to return. I stated all this and had sent the paper months ago to my Oncologist but this has rather fallen on deaf ears.
I therefore have refused treatment. They really wanted me to have this as I had stage 3 Aggressive cancer with a lump of 4.3 mm which appeared 6 months after mammogram. I just feel that this potential side affect to treat something that may not be there would be a very bad thing to do. Also, with all the chemo then surely that would have killed off any lurking cancer cells as what then is the point?
Has anyone else been in this position as I feel terrible but I hope it’s the right decision. If inconvenience is making you not do it then maybe think again. Having said that, it is your body and your decision and nobody really knows what to do for the best.
Woods, this is how I feel too. I have had surgery…2 lumps removed clear margins. Am on Leteozole for the next 5 years. 9 weeks now since my surgery and I am only just healing thoroughly, so oncologist has delayed the next step. This feels like could the treatment leave me worse than where I am. Such a difficult decision.