Refused reconstruction because my BMI is over 30 is this usual practice

I had a left side only mastectomy 2 years ago and was told at the time I couldn’t have an immediate reconstruction as my BMI was too high. I have since lost 5 stone but have about another stone to loose and I just can’t shift it. I’ve been the same weight for most of this year. Go to slimming World, do Zumba twice a week and the gym twice a week so I’m quite fit now but I just can’t shift this last stone.

Has anyone had a reconstruction with a higher BMI? I’m wondereing why I need to loose yet more weight,

Hi jellyjem

Sorry to hear your concerns. Hopefully other Forum users who have experienced a similar situation will respond soon. In the meantime, if you would like to talk things through our breast care nurses are available between 9am-1pm. You can call them free on our Helpline on 0808 800 6000. They’ll be able to offer further information about reconstruction and BMI.

Best wishes


Forum Moderator

I had a double MX and they are telling me the same I have to lose my last stone before they will even put me on the list I’m so upset I wanted to lose it before Xmas so I can get in the list and have surgery by July next year it’s so unfair why not put me on the list and by that time next year I would have lost the weight it’s not them living through this feeling of loss and womanhood

Emsx - it’s horrible isn’t it and I’m sick of jumping through hoops, I’m happy with my weight now, really don’t feel that I need to loose any more. Has anyone told you why? I just have a feeling it’s a cost saving exercise rather than us really needing to have a BMI under 30.

Hi all. I was diagnosed aug 2017. Had left mx and lymph nodes removed. Surgeon told me at the time I didn’t have enough back fat so I would have a diep flap. So had chemo and radio then ovaries out and then they tell me my bmi is too high for reconstruction… I had no idea there were restrictions. That feeling of self loathing of ’ being too fat’. Im a size 16 and been ok about it. I don’t drink…i don’t smoke…Im fairly fit and healthy. Ive been dieting…Im weighing myself constantly. Im trying to tell myself that it will be ok. I just feel so sad. Xxx