Regional Occurance?

Regional Occurance?

Regional Occurance? After waiting for a few weeks and having had a bone scan a ct scan and chest xray plus ultra sound on my liver I have the results which is that there are two seperate soft tisuue nodules in the right axilla measuring 17 and 16 mm. This recurrance is after 7 years and after a masectomy CMF and 5 years of Tomoxifan. I was put on arimidex five weeks ago as a starter. I am seeing my oncologist again after a period of 7 weeks to see if it is working. I know I am really lucky that it has not gone to my bones or soft organs but am still scared it will. I am her2 negative and 10% eostragen positive. My cancer was aggressive before. Is there anyone else out there in my position or has been similarly diagnosed. I want to know what to ask my Onc, please if there is anyone who can help I really would love to hear from you


Mollie had recurrence 4yrs later- found thickening in axilla and there was 2cm tumour in surviving breast. It was ER-. First time round was ER+. They said ca must have mutated. Had RT and Arimidex [not a lot of use for ER-].
I asked for and didn’t get chemo- got the party line about too old and US studies etc- all out of date. Didn’t know that I could actually demand it.
Result bone mets and skin mets within 2 yrs.
My only advice is to make sure you have chemo before anything goes any further and swat it. Rt deals with cells in the area- chemo kills ca cells all over body.
As you have had 7 yrs without recurrence you have had a good ca free run. This augurs well for your future and lots more years ca free once you’ve got the present cells which have travelled zapped.
Best wishes , dilly

Hi Mollie,

I was diagnosed four years ago with bc in my right breast and had chemo, mastectomy, radio and then Tamoxifan followd by Arimidex. Two years ago I had a new primary in my ‘good’ breast, including soft tissue nodules in the skin. I was given chemo and then Herceptin. My latest mammo shows that there is no cancer at all in my breast and the nodules have gone apart from two very stubborn ones which my onc tells me are just dead cells. I am doing fine now.

If you go to the other site Mollie you can send me a private message if you like and we can talk more about this.


Thanks for repling Dilly, yes I know what you mean about the chemo I was astounded when Onc said I was just to take arimidix for three months I felt that it was giving time for cancer to grow. But I will see what she sais on Tuesday. Onc felt that arimidex would slowly kill cancer by starving it but this go slowly approach does scare me. However she is supposed to be one of the best around. She said she wanted me to have a quality of life as much as possible before the heavy stuff. I’ll write agian after Tuesday and then may have more to add, what chemo did you have? Do you know much about regional recurrance?
all the best


Hi Sue
Would like to continue conversation but what other site do you mean and how does the private message work? What chemo did you have? I cant go on hercepten as I’m her2 neg. So what on earth will work for me?


Mollie have only experience of skin mets over mast scar, the tumour in surviving boob which came to light after I went back to surgeon with very slight thickening in axilla [GP and premed doc couldn’t feel it] was thought to be a mutation [it was ER- original ER+] but always felt this had a question mark over it.
I wouldn’t be too happy about Arrimidex only. If I was in your shoes I would be extra watchful of myself because you have no idea if A is working for several months,
But as your onc has a good reputation she may have sussed it right and if so you will have been saved a load of misery with the heavy guns.
So be super aware of body and watch your gut feelings about how you’re doing. If you FEEL Ari isn’t working when you’ve had time to settle you can always go back to onc and say you really want chemo- gimme gimme!
Best wishes, dilly

regional occurance have just come back from Onc, who feels that arimidix is all I need for now and to give it another 6 weeks. pain in my arm went very quickly is that due to my dairy free diet or arimidix. Onc said not sure what the best thing to do as it was only regional but may try radiotherapy later if arimidix doesn’t shrink tumour completely. does not want o give me chemo. said it was difficult to know what to do. I feel i’m in a lottery I just may be lucky or not ,feeling very lost no support offered just go away and take the arimidix come back in 6 weeks. No more ct scan for another 6 months but have asked and been given another ultra sound in the next 6 weeks to see if tumour is responding. Thought I would be examined, but saw a registra instead and onc came in later. No smiles felt I was wasting her time with my questions. Haven’t seen community support nurse who said she would see me three weeks ago, no contact and feeling really low especially about biker