just looking for a bit of advice from you ladies… and i may be jumping the gun here but just wanna prepare myself.
i had mri of breast on 11 aug (was meant to be in May! but thats another story) got a call on thurs saying an area that showed up last yr has come up again but bigger and that id need US scan today (23rd).
the bit that was highlighted last time turned out to be an inspissated cyst and was drained last nov and had US in april and cyst still gone… but i asked at work if it could refill which it could so presumed i would just need it drained again.
then decided to call my own BCN to see what MRI report actually said… it never said anything about same bit getting bigger but showed up a different area… the area i was concerned about and had previously been biopsied around there in dec 2009 as fat necrosis but had noticed it getting bigger.
apparently i have 1 enlarged interpectoral node and another which is slightly enlarged… but BCN hadnt head of interpectoral nodes and couldnt give much info but she had spoken to one of the cons who said breast and muscle lymph drain into them.
worried this will turn out to be regional recurrence… it 2 years and 3 months since surgery for TNBC and interestingly the info on scholar said average recurrence to these nodes is 2.3 years so very close… recurrence to these nodes however is very rare in node neg patients only 0.1%
wouldnt be worried if wasnt for the fact they were enlarged… just wondering what kinda treatment is likely if positive.
previously had er pos gd 1 and tnbc gd 3, bilat wle and neg SNB, tamox, bilat rads and chemo… brca 2 carrier on WL for bilat mx.
Hi lulu
sorry you have these worries I’m really hoping this is not a recurrence. I haven’t heard of these nodes maybe post on the tnbc foundation foru. As the ladies on there are very clued up? Wishing you all the best let us know how u get on today
tina xx
Thanks girls. Just can’t think why they would be enlarged if it’s not cancer as very well otherwise. I’ll try tn foundation and will let you know how my appt goes xxx
Lulu, another TN sending best wishes, and thanks for all your lovely helpful postings on these boards.
While you are waiting, perhaps steady yourself with the thought that MRIs can give false positives, and can give both over estimation and under estimation of lesion size?
Hi Lulu,
You are the best informed girl on the block, as far as I am concerned. I still pop in occasionly and always read your posts. I am sorry I cannot help, but nodes do swell up for other reasons like fightining viral infections in the body. Give the help line a ring, they may put you on the right track, and don’t google (lol)
Thanks for always being there for us, I am realy thinking about you
In the mean time, here are some hugs.
Hi Lulu, I had recurrence in lymph nodes of pec muscle 3 years ago. Had surgery, chemo and rads - if your scan shows up anything (hoping its all ok) I am happy to go into more detail - let me know. All the best. Mo xx
I’ve also got enlarged subpectoral nodes. I didn’t realise they were any different to the axillary nodes (which have also tested positive for cancer but I am having chemo before surgery). Are cancerous subpectoral nodes worse than axillary ones…?
im not sure… some score them as stage 3 some as stage 2… they are just an unusual place to get cancer… and for me i was aux node neg so its very rare for it to go there but not in the aux… im in that less than 0.1% category… i just like to be special lol xxx
Oh lulu I’m gutted to read that ur fears have been confirmed Tnbc just doesn’t play by the rules does it? Will be keeping everything crossed your scans show it’s confined to the nodes + the proposed treatment plan us 100% effective. Sending hugs + strength
Love Tina xx