Relay For Life

Hi all just wanted to ask if there are any people in N. Ireland who would be prepared to attend the Relay For Life I am organising.

We are looking for anyone who has had a dx of any form of cancer as long as they feel well enough to attend.

The message for the relays is that of the hope to find a cure which is why we have ‘survivors’ there.

If so can you let me know if you can attend and I will pm for details.


PS Although I am chair I will be classed as a survivor even though I will only be 2/3 way through my chemo.

Not in N.Ireland but I attended the Ascot Relay last week… not as a “survivor” though I do have bc, but playing in a steel band. I was only there for less than 2 hours but it was an unforgettable experience for me, I want to go again in 2009!

Hope your event goes well, and that you yourself cope with chemo and that it does what it’s meant to! - not long till the course finishes I guess.

Thanks Mrs Blue, I know Rose and Dave Dalton who organise the Ascot Relay for Life, she has some photos on her facebook. It looked like a brilliant 24 hours. I will hopefully be meeting her again in October.

I have only had 2 FEC so far so 4 more to go, finding it tough enough this time round. I have been involved in Relay for 5 years now, I was team captain for 2 years and last year I was chair of the organising committee. I never thought I’d be on the other side of the coin, but then who does.

Definitely go for it next year, it is a fantastic event and it just grows in your heart.

Love and hugs