Just read your posts CM and just want to say Good Luck for today and Think Positive and Keep smiling : )
Donna xx
Just read your posts CM and just want to say Good Luck for today and Think Positive and Keep smiling : )
Donna xx
Thinking of you CM. Hope you recover quickly and get back on your keyboard.
PS. So glad your nodes are clear!
Sue xx
You’re in my mind and heart today CM - hope it all goes as well as it possibly can, that they get every last bit this time around, and you wake up in a gentle fuzzy haze, no pain, and get brought millions of cups of tea without having to ask for them.
And that you’re home very soon, and back on here ready to raise hell and fight on.
Sophie xxx
Quick update. Home again after surgery. Anaesthetist was a flipping star! All the fairies were there, fanning me with their wings. Lovely. Felt so much better this time than last, and darling daughter was there when I came back and made me three delicious cups of tea which didn’t touch the sides, and brought me some food.
Surgeon said that what she did went well, but of course I won’t know whether it was a success or not until results are in, whenever that is. She also said that she’s booked me an appointment, but if they come in earlier she’s happy to give me a ring and let me know, as we already know what the broad plan is.
She also said that the breast tissue all “fluffed up” nicely, so even if the margins are still not right, it still leaves us with the option of re-excision again if necessary, not just mastectomy. But of course we have to wait for the path lab to do their stuff.
End of update, the fairies are calling me, and there have been so many posts I’m going for a nice long browse.
CM and fairy crew
Oh, and my lovely man had his tests and the people at St George’s were really good with him. They dealt with him so efficiently that he was also there when I came back to the ward, and he brought a hot cross bun with him so I’d have something to eat. Lovely man. They say that they’ll be able to do his valve repair through the ribs rather than having to take a chisel to his sternum, so recovery will be much faster. Still a big worry as an op, but a good bit of news, I feel.
Glad to hear things seem to have gone well this time.
Good to hear you’re home and reasonably comfortable CM. Let’s hope the results are all good this time.
Stupid question, but you said PR + what is that?
Glad to hear your OH has come through his well too, with some good news. So when you’ve both recovered a bit, you have 2 things to celebrate.
Hi Cm,
am glad all seemed to go well, will cross everything for good results
Nottsgal Pr +, progesterone positive (i Think)
Hiya ChoccieMuffin,
I’m so pleased your surgery has gone as painlessly as possible and you’re as OK as possible!
Yes, I know the feeling about the clear nodes & everyone saying it’s so good, I’ve got Oncologist tomorrow to decided if I have Chemo or not as well as Radio & Hormone therapies to look forward to.
Best wishes to OH and I hope his test results don’t take as long as yours did.
Lots of Love
Hi Troymaiden,
Is it you who has to decide about chemo ? I saw onc last week & was borderline for chemo so had to make a decision ( very hard) have decided to go with chemo & start 09th Feb so will delay our meeting for Rads, let me know how you get on & whether you have to do chemo or not.
Thanks Sarah, I don’t know if I’m positive for that or not (er +6 though). Good luck with chemo, it’s nasty but doable and at least then you know you’ve thrown everything at it.
Hi Pam,
Thank you.
Sarah xx
Hiya Sarah,
I have seen onc. & agreed on Chemo, I have ward visit on Monday 31st & 1st FEC the week after. So our meeting in Soton for Radiotherapy is going to be delayed for a little while by the looks of things
Had kinda expected this as grade 3 but still got to get head round all the side issues.
I’ll be in touch later
Helen xx
helen, if Er+6, that’s an indicator for tamoxifen, as tam fights Oestrogen receptors on your cancer.
You should know by now your HER2 status. I think 75% are negative, and you’d know already as if it’s positive you’d be on the herceptin list too.
I’ve been looking at options and as three completely separate people have commented on my “tiny veins” even for putting a cannula for anaesthetics, I am going to push for a portacath for the chemo and herceptin.
Getting back to the title of the thread, I do have to keep reminding myself that there are lots of funny things and lovely developments in Four Weddings, and I’ve managed to find some positives out of my situation, even though it’s taken a fair bit of hunting to find them.
MY NODES ARE CLEAR. What a biggie that is.
IF I HADN’T FOUND IT SO QUICKLY, COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE. If this hadn’t come to light as a result of having cysty boobs, I could have gone along in blissful ignorance for ages, as once the cysts had been drained, I couldn’t actually feel any difference between lumpiness of one boob and the other. Thank goodness for my cysts!
Have “met” some lovely people on this site. Thank you all.
Hiya All,
Going back to the theme of the thread - good things come in Colin Firth sized packages!!!
Rumour has it he’s bought a house just round the corner from me - maybe I’ll bump into him in Tesco’s as I missed him by a corner when he was filming here on Tuesday???
Just got to persuade him I’m his soul mate (rotflmao)and mission accomplished!
Jenny - Although I’m ER7 I’m not on Tamoxifen is possibly another plus - Hysterectomy 7yrs ago is probably reason why?
Lots of love
Helen xxx
Hope all is going well for you - the title of this thread certainly made me smile as this was me following my results on Monday - Type 2 and margins were clear, but lymph nodes were not - more surgery this afternoon, which will be followed by Chemo then Rads. Had hoped to work through this without too much impact on work but had to tell work what was going on - my worst fears realised, new project manager being appointed to replace me until all is over.
Yeah, it’s a toughie. You can’t really blame work, they still have stuff that needs to be done, but it feels like yet another kick in the teeth, doesn’t it.
But you could look at it another way - at least you’re not going to be pestered by assorted bods on the projectasking you stupid questions who should be able to figure things out by themselves, and calling at the most inopportune moments.
Good luck for your surgery, everything is crossed for you.
Choccie, I knew you’d had results from other threads but have only just found the whole thing (I’d been looking). At least your long wait is over and you’ve got some good bits and some less good - like most of us. most of us seem to get wle, snb and rads as first plan, quickly followed by everything else when they find more after operating.
You will deal with all the c**p well and we’ll all be here rooting for you.
Good luck. stella xx
Hi chocciemuffin, I only seem to have just caught up with your news. It really is brilliant news about your nodes - that makes such a huge difference to everything so never mind everything else, keep on celebrating that fact and don’t look back!
I’ve had a superb piece of news today - my scans are clear! I’ve had a bit of a cough for weeks and had convinced myself of the worst so I cried when the onc told me today.
My cellulitis is still very painful so I’m on codeine for that, I’m taking 17 antibiotics a day, my hair will be on its way out in a few days, 5 chemos and radio still to go, tamoxifen after that, no alcohol till I’m off these meds - but who cares! I could turn cartwheels for joy!! (well, no, I couldn’t really but you know what I mean).
Jane xxx