Removal of thread

In accordance with our terms and conditions and code of conduct I have had to remove a thread from this category as it had gone way off track and quite a few people have private messaged and emailed us saying how much this thread has upset them.

It is a misuse of the Breast Cancer Care forums to use them to discuss the workings of other forums and websites. We have deleted this thread as it had become an argument about events which had happened on another site, and therefore is something over which we have no control and have no ethical right to intervene in.

Please remember the purpose of this site is to share information and support with all those affected by breast cancer.

Best wishes



Breast Cancer Care

Does that mean you will not now look into the number of BCC members in regions to assess the value of regional forums?
I for one think these are a great idea and have good experiences that support the value of personal contact. I have found this site a tremendous support especially in the early days after I was dx. So much so that I have offered to be a contact through the support route for my particular kind of reconstruction. I have found other sites equally supportive too and have made good friends through both. But the value of the face to face group meeting cannot be measured in the same way as the value of the forums. Even small groups can provide a huge boost to confidence and have proved very valuable in terms of practical support,
I fully understand the need for caution but I thoroughly endorse the personal contact that seemed to be at the original heart of the discussion which was stopped.

Maybe if and when the profiles are brought back it would help, members only need reveal their regional area and personal information ie., family, DX, treatment etc., if they want to.
I think it is a nice idea that regional groups would be able to meet up…but am concerned about the personal safety side of this.


Regional forums,

I for 1 am in favour of regional forums.
After my dx 1 year ago I found this site my salvation and made a close bond with a couple of girls, however the only contact we could have was through this site. At the time there was no private message facility available so anything we wanted to say to each other in support was open to the world.
Then we went to another site (sorry mod I know we aren’t supposed to talk about ) and we could message each other privately. So that meant we could exchange tel. nos, email addys etc.This was brilliant except living at other ends of the country it wasn’t possible to meet up.
Whilst on the other forum ( sorry again) I went on the regional forum. Firstly to introduce myself and to ask about the local care. In my area there isn’t a local bc support group.So I was all alone apart from my cyber support.
Then I started chatting to the regional girls, firstly through the website, then through private messages and then exchange of contact details.
I have met these girls twice (it would be more however I don’t drive) and I must say I thank God for their support.Apart from my hospital inmates, chemo ,rads etc, these women are the only flesh and blood bc support I have. Obviously I have the never ending support of my husband and family but to actually meet these ladies, having fun, meeting each other was the best medicine I could have.
Love nicgum