Hi Heather
My Mum was diagnosed in June. only 7 weeks ago. She had the lump removed and 3 sentinal (main) nodes.
When they take the lump they will analyse it down to cell level, so it can take a while, then give you a pathology report - tells you everything you need to know. Size, grade (how slow and quick it grows), and if this main node is affected. If it is they may take all of them from the armpit on the side with the lump. They also tell you if the tumour is hormone positive - its good if it is.
We have had a very long journey in the past few weeks. They took my Mums lump and it was 14 mm in size and grade 1 - slow growing - however it was in one of her nodes. The week after she had all the nodes removed.
Today we finally got news. None of the other 30 nodes were affected and she doesnt need chemo. However we were expecting her to go through chemo and radio, everything going.
Its been a traumatic time, we have tried to carry on as normal, had ups and downs. Its been awful to see Mum go through 2 operations, but she has bounced back really quick each time.
I have found a great deal of support on these forums. These people have been a tower of strength, amazingly brave.
You may be feeling bewildered and frightened, but you will come to terms with it, and that will help you to deal with whats happening. I dont want to give you false hope but I think the tumour must be quite small like my Mums, and thats why she is not having a mastectomy. Thats a good sign. Also I found it very reassuring that our breast cancer care nurse has looked after 300 ladies in the last 3 years and only lost 2 - 1 lady had heart problems, nothing to do with breast cancer, and the other knew she had a lump for 2 years and then it was too late.
Its amazing what they do these days, even compared with 10 years ago.
Back to your questions. If they are talking about taking 1 or 2 it may be the sentinal nodes. This is good because is saves your Mum losing part of her immune system . If the sentinal nodes are clear then they say that this means the rest will be too. BUT if one of them is affected like my Mums was they can still take them all. On the bad side she would have to have an extra operation to removed them all if needs be, like my MUm did. On the good side if they are not affected they will just take them usually when they take the lump out, and then no more operations should be needed.
My Mum was driving 3 days after having the lump and the 3 nodes removed,. However 2 weeks later she was in hopsital again having them all taken out and this time its been very sore as they have been doing the surgery in her armpit. The sentinal nodes on my Mum were just next to the breast - near the ribcage, so the first operation was much easier.
About reconstructive surgery my MUm was not offered this, as they said it will heal up and be OK. Shes not bothered anyway, she just says she is happy its been taking away.
Sorry to ramble Heather, but I hope I have answered your questions. I felt raw and its been difficult - today we are feeling like we won the lottery though,. I did a lot of research. If you want to talk more feel free to contact me again by private message. Keep me posted, I hope your Mums OK.
Suzy xx