Repeat Mammogram - how soon?

Hi all, looking for another bit of advice. I’ve been referred again to the breast clinic (NHS Lanarkshire), this time no definite lump but what GP refers to as granular areas on both breasts - to the side and underside of breasts plus pain behind right nipple. Thing is I was there in October and had “the full washing”, mammogram, US, biopsies, aspirations. That time I had a definite lump that mammogram showed “suspicious” but US and biopsies disagreed. This time no lump specifically just “lumpiness” and pain. Strangely this time I’m not the slightest bit worried (famous last words I know) unlike last time. My question is, will they be able to repeat mommograms only 4 1/2 months later? First time was awful (machine jammed due to dust with me sucked in it looking like sponge-bob-square-pants until i passed out) and they disregarded the results anyway. They said being a dense H cup and 41 it was difficult. Any shared experiences of a second quick referral would be appreciated.

Hi LSM72

I’m sorry you haven’t had any replies to your post.  This might be something our Helpline could help with.  They will be open tomorrow from 10-2 and on weekdays from 9-5.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator


I was referred to a breast clinic shortly after having a mammogram for family history reasons, and I was told only one a year unless it is absolutely necessary. After a biopsy when I was diagnosed with IDC they did do another mammogram, so had 2 within 6 months.

Take care,


Thanks Emily, appointment is tomorrow PM. It’s made me feel better that I’m unlikely to have them again given already having repeats that last time and them not being so pleasant. Still very surprised I’m totally calm and not in the least worried this time. Guess I’m thinking nothing drastic could have happened in 5 months. Thanks so much for putting my mind at ease. Lorrainne. X

Hi, I got good news at the appointment today. No mammograms as too soon from the last one. Repeat ultrasounds showed lots more cysts so diagnosed as cystic disease (basically just prone to multiple cysts) but not aspirating them this time and just monitoringfor change. Only issue is how I know which lumps to be concerned about as there is so many but they just said I’d know if I had significant changes. Hope yours went ok H20. Lorrainne