Dr Holly Ennis is working on a new research study called Info-BC, organised by researchers at the University of Edinburgh and University of Aberdeen. The research aims to explore what matters to patients, their caregivers, and support workers when deciding treatment options in secondary breast cancer.
The study will ask participants to imagine that they have to make a decision about their treatment and are presented with pairs of hypothetical scenarios with different side effects, benefits and potential survival. The scenarios are based on the kinds of decisions that people often have to make (and are informed by real patients), but they are fictional.
The team behind the research is looking for people with secondary breast cancer and healthcare professionals to take part – but also those with primary breast cancer and their friends and family. We know that these different groups are involved in the decision-making process and all may (or may not) prioritise different information.
You can find it here: edin.ac/info-bc
The survey will take around 20 minutes to complete.